Chapter Seventeen: Why the Rush?

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The guys were finally able to tell Naomi about the Lost Boys and, in turn, she was able to find a way to begin the search for who the Lost Boys really are in connection to the fallen boss gang the Three Musketeers were able to end their reign, the Royal Bloods.

Previously, after a girls' night out with Lynn and Brennan, Naomi accidentally saw Lynn throwing up on purpose, a characterization of bulimia, when trying to grab her jacket she left at Lynn's room. It's been awkward since then but Naomi had promised to go to Lynn's to get her jacket back.

And the last time we've seen Dominic, it was alongside Naomi and Jordan. Even though he offered them a car ride while Bennett and Declan were gone doing gang business, Jordan confronted him with his background research which fell short. This led to the whole Jordan episode of him threatening Naomi's safety in telling Dominic about his status in the Three Musketeers.

And that's what you missed on GLEE!


I took a deep breath.

Just as I raised my hand to ring the doorbell, the door suddenly opened.

"Sorry," Lynn said sheepishly. "You were standing in front of the door for a while. I wanted you to get your thoughts together but you were taking your sweet time."

"Well I'm glad I snapped myself out of it or I would've gotten a cold standing out here," I said with a smile.

"Probably because you left your jacket here," Lynn said. "Now don't just stand there. Come inside."

I went into Lynn's house and took a seat on the couch. I felt like I was sweating bullets of how awkward I was probably making it. I told myself that I was only there to get my jacket. I'll make some small talk and quickly leave. I didn't like that plan, but I didn't know what else I can do to fix this. For now. My thoughts were interrupted when my jacket was thrown at my face.

"Oh no!" Lynn exclaimed. "I'm so sorry! I was aiming for your lap! I swear!"

I burst out laughing. "Either you're telling the truth or you're trying to assassinate me." I took a whiff of my jacket. "Thanks for washing my jacket by the way. Hopefully, it wasn't too much trouble."

"Darn, that was exactly how I was going to get you too," Lynn said with a click of her tongue. "With those lavender-scented cotton fibers, I would have gotten away with it too."

Our laughter died down and an uncomfortable silence filled up the room instead.

As I rose up from the couch and began to put on my jacket, I told her, "It's getting pretty late, I should get-"

"Don't... leave..." Lynn said quietly. "I... know what you saw. And I don't want that to end this between us. That it was me who have ended this."

It was then I finally saw it in Lynn's eyes. I was so obsessed with my own guilt that I didn't consider Lynn's own thoughts.

I slowly sat back down. "No Lynn," I assured her. "It was my own fault."

She snorted. "You weren't the one who made those awesome cookies." Lynn stared down at her hands. "I'm a mess..."

Before I could interject, she continued.

"And I took it upon myself to clean up my own messes." She let out a sigh. "It's hard starting a new school."

"Yeah, I know..."

Lynn looked up upon hearing that I understand her own experiences, then she shifted her gaze back to her hands. "You feel like all eyes are on you."

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