Chapter Twenty-Three: I Already Have My Family

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Video: An hour-long video by Zoe Amira filled with art and music from Black creators. It has a ton of ads and 100% of the ad revenue will be dispersed to various BLM organizations including bailout funds for protestors. You can replay the video and put it to the side to keep supporting it. I wrote this entire chapter while having the video play.



I will be starting each chapter with these updates until the state of America has reached its conclusion.

If you don't support the BLM movement, please go to my profile and click unfollow. Thank you <3

^ Edit: If you don't WANT to support the BLM movement without even trying to educate yourselves to change your opinion/perspective, THEN unfollow. This is a series about bullying and racism is bullying. You can't follow me or this series if you continue with that bigotry.

If you're tired or uncomfortable hearing this then KEEP READING THIS. You have to be uncomfortable when reading this because this is happening and this is real. If you're tired of reading this stuff, who cares, black people are tired of the oppression but that's not stopping them. This is a historic and important movement we're currently living in. You have the privilege to ignore it, but the black community doesn't.

Please read my work "To Be Educated" so you can learn more about the Black Lives Matter movement currently happening in America and all around the world. I have provided resources so you can learn how to show your support if you're unable to protest or donate money. The most important thing you can do is educate yourselves and spread awareness. My next essay will be about protests and the police.

I will make some points to spread information or cover current events before each chapter as an update. I will elaborate more on this and any future points in TBE. You're free to correct me if I got anything wrong.

Published: June 5, 2020

1) All Lives Matter but the focus should be that Black Lives Matter because of the oppression the black community has faced for years. When you say All Lives Matter, you are shifting the focus from Black Lives Matter. We know all lives matter, but currently, we're focusing on black lives. That's why you should only put #BlackLivesMatter.

2) Campaign Zero #8CantWait - The BLM Movement is asking for police reform with eight focuses in order to decrease police violence by 72% (Ban chokeholds and strangleholds, require de-escalation, require a warning before shooting, exhaust all alternatives before shooting, reform duty to intervene, ban shooting at moving vehicles, establish the use of force continuum and require all force to be reported.)

3) Do not believe the BLM movement is an unworthy cause just because people are destroying property. The movement needs more organization but it is important. There is a difference between the peaceful protests of the BLM movement and the riots/looting that don't stand with the BLM movement. There are opportunists and looters who aren't part of the movement- DO NOT confuse them for BLM protesters. The BLM is against the actions of destroying things, injuring people, and looting businesses.

4) The media isn't doing the best job covering the BLM Movement. There's showing more of the violent riots when there are MUCH MORE peaceful protests. Also, the police have been seen shooting and hurting journalists covering the story, therefore, threatening the freedom of the press to cover stories indiscriminately without favor for the government.

5) Even though the riots are bad as they blindly hurt businesses of minorities, riots do work. America has the Civil Rights Movement led by Martin Luther King Jr who organized peaceful protests to end racial discrimination and gain equal rights under the law that happened from the late 1940s to the late 1960s. Through this they were able to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which prohibited discrimination based on color, sex, religion and national origin. When King was assassinated, violent riots spread across the country and DAYS later the Civil Rights Act of 1968 passed which prohibited discrimination of the sale, rental or financing of housing based on color, sex, religion and national origin, it took days of violent riots for this action to happen. The Black Lives Matter movement has been going on for years and there have been peaceful protests that still received criticism such as when black athletes took a knee during the national anthem during games.

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