Chapter Twenty-Four: You're Such a Mom

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SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Read the author's note in the end. Awesome surprise. Get your wallets ready.

[Written after the Disrespectful Shippper Comments chapter]

Respect All Ships. Hopefully, this is the last time I have to say this. Regardless of what scene you're reading, whether it's your ship or not, you should be respectful to everyone even if you have different opinions.

"You like paper books because of the paper texture? Well, I like online books because of its portable convenience. But who cares because we both like books!"

Of course, you can comment as long as it's supportive and/or insightful. The respect all ships rule applies to everyone. So I don't want to see other shippers bashing on a Bennomi ship scene or Bennomi readers- that just ain't cool. Bennomi and Bennomi readers are great and valid, and I can't wait for what's to come for all ships and characters.

You're all my babies and must be protected. Mama Musketeer instinct: activated. (I did not come up with that nickname, some awesome readers did.)

Just like any other ship scene, please fangirl because I love reading comments when people fangirl. Thirst comments are on their own level. Well then, let's do this!


The 4M attended the March gang meeting. At the end of one particular chapter, Bennett told Naomi to warn him the next time she backs a gang leader to a corner. So keep that in mind.

However, March also happens to have the birthday of a certain main character.


I was about to be kidnapped.

Even with my lack of street smarts, I think it was easy enough for me to know this.

Given that it was a limo.

I crossed my arms, glaring at the car. "Don't you have anything better to do Bentley?"

The window of the car rolled down a bit and a familiar voice asked, "Do you prefer that Frazier instead?"

"No of course not!" I said brightly.

I climbed into the limo and sat next to Brennan. "How have you- What is he doing here?"

"Given that it's my limo," Bentley said dryly, "this should be no surprise."

"Is that any way to treat our guest?" Brennan scolded him sharply. "Especially since it's our precious Naomi."

Brennan smiled back at me. "I haven't seen you chapters ago. Although for Bentley, it was a tad longer, wasn't it?"

"It was just by one chapter," Bentley told her.

I gave them a confused look. "How do you know?"

"Rich people powers," Brennan and Bentley said casually in unison, waving it off like it was nothing.

Brennan told me, "But don't mind him, he's just elated to have me here." She narrowed her eyes at Bentley. "You are happy that I'm here, aren't you? Or else I'll just have to remind you why you love your beloved sister by staying at the main house for the rest of my time here."

Bentley immediately sat up from his seat. "Of course I am. There's also no need to make such threats."

She hummed at that. "Happy birthday, Naomi!" Brennan said cheerfully, before saying, "Well, belated birthday. You're finally 18, a woman now!"

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