Bonus Scene: Declan and Jordan's Hospital Conversation

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I'm currently taking a break from TGGBB2 until I can be inspired to write the next chapter. I need to work on the current plot and my mind has been on "Broken Glasses" as well. Also if you don't already know, I'm writing a new book that is like TGGBB in an alternate dimension. 

However, I wanted to write something, so I wrote this short scene instead.  I really hope you enjoy it.

This is the scene when Declan and Jordan talked to each other alone while they were at the hospital after Declan's mother gave birth to his baby sister. I recommend rereading TGGBB2 Chapters 13 - 14 if you can't remember.


Declan couldn't hold it anymore. He had to tell him.

"Jordan, I need to talk to you about something," he told him.

Jordan gave Declan a quizzical look. He glanced at Naomi and Bennett who shared his confusion.

"Alright," Jordan muttered, getting from his seat.

The two of them wordlessly went outside of the waiting room. The cold air nipped at them as they awkwardly stood outside of the hospital. Out of boredom, Jordan kicked a stone that was minding its own business.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Jordan asked. "You're probably making Naomi worry for bringing me out here. You want to confess to me or something? Or are you planning on killing me when no one's looking? Poor location choice though - we're in front of a hospital."

Jordan was surprised that Declan didn't react how he expected - shooting him a glare and giving him an empty threat that would make both of them laugh at the end.

Instead, Declan said, "Jordan, I'm being serious here."

Jordan finally read the room or well outside-of-the-hospital. "Oh," he said quietly. "Sorry."

Declan leaned against the wall, staring at the parking lot in front of the hospital.

"Remember how we fought before we met Naomi?" Declan asked him. "We said some pretty harsh things to each other. I targeted your colorblindness."

Jordan rolled his eyes. "If you want to apologize about the stupid Rubik's Cube, don't. That was hilarious. And there's still the shades of gray so I can still figure it out."

Declan paused, cringing at that stupid gift and was a bit grateful Jordan got the joke.

"No, I don't mean that," Declan told him. "While I targeted your colorblindness, you'd remind me both of my parents didn't want me."

Jordan winced, instantly hating himself. With clenched fists, Jordan forced out, "I thought we both agreed that we'd forgive each other from back then. If you want me to apologize again, I will but-"

"No, it's not that," Declan assured him. "I mean, you were right anyway. They didn't. They gave me up for adoption after all."

"Why are you bringing this up?" Jordan asked.

Declan looked at his friend. "Because your dad came back."

Jordan stiffened at those words.

"You're not the first person to make fun of me about that. And most of the time, I tried to not think much about it. But after everything that has happened with your dad coming back and my sister here, I suddenly started thinking about it."

Declan hesitated from continuing. He studied Jordan's reaction, but Jordan wasn't retaliating, he was just listening and taking every word in. Just make your point already.

"I'm not saying you should forgive him. He doesn't deserve it after he left you and your mom. But he came back. I don't know what I would do if my parents found me and came back- my biological parents, I mean. You don't have to listen to what I say, I probably wouldn't if you were telling me the same thing. But if you wanted a second opinion, if you wanted to hear it from someone who had both parents leave, I'd say you should at least consider hearing him out."

Jordan's mouth fell dry. He wasn't expecting any of this. He wanted to say some stupid quip to break this tension, but his mind felt both empty and scrambled. 

"Declan, I... I really appreciate it. Thank you."

"Despite all of the things we went through, the things we said and did," Declan told him, "you're like a brother to me. No, you are a brother to me." 

The two of them locked eyes at those words - those heavy words. 

"And that means you're Delilah's brother too," Declan said, holding a small smile. "So if anything happens, you better look out for her too."

Jordan couldn't help let out a snort at that. "With both of us as her older brothers, I feel bad for her and any kid interested in her."

"That's just part of the job, Jordan," Declan reminded him.

The two of them headed back into the hospital, wearing the same smile.

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