Chapter Eleven: For... Justice?

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Bennett and Declan skipped school to attend some gang-business - just picking up an activity report, no big deal- at the north-side of the city. But by doing so, they leave Jordan and Naomi alone to school. After some Jordomi action, Dominic stumbled in and offers them a ride when both wanted to eat somewhere afterschool. Naomi was all for it, but Jordan reluctantly agrees. In the car, Jordan suddenly confronted Dominic about his suspicious character and they both get kicked out of the car. Naomi is confused and asks why Jordan was acting like that, but he shuts her down to defend his actions.

And that's what you missed on... GLEE!

I mean TGGBB! No, it doesn't feel right...


"Declan, stop it!" I yelled at him while Bennett held me back.

"Oh, I'm just getting started," he muttered as he grabbed Jordan by the collar. "What the hell were you thinking?"

Jordan didn't say anything. His whole body was limp. His head hung, not looking at Declan's eyes.

"Please," I begged.

I tried to fight against Bennett but his grip around my waist was tight. But Bennett didn't do anything other than that. He just stood there watching this entire scene. How could he just do that?

Bennett and Declan knew something was off when they met up with us the next day at school. But Jordan said that he would tell them once we were all at the base. Jordan was so quiet that day, in class, with us, and the car ride there.

Jordan told them everything. The initial plan to get something to eat afterschool. Dominic's offer to give us a ride in his car. Jordan's confrontation against Dominic. My argument with Jordan and when he got too angry with me.

It wasn't a big deal. He was trying to make me understand, make his point. Although he didn't have to put me down like that to achieve this. But that didn't matter to me anymore. However, it did to someone else.

"Remember our promise to each other?" He demanded. "That we will never do anything to hurt her?"

I tried to interject. "Declan, he didn't do-"

"He didn't do what?" Declan asked. "Rather than make you understand through reason, he tried to do so by force?"

"I..." I faltered.

Jordan called Declan something that I would not dare to repeat it. That certainly got Declan's attention away from me.

I had to do something.

Sorry, Bennett.

Naomi used Stomp.

Bennett grunted and let go of me. He was probably shocked I actually did that just as much as I was.

I ran in front of Declan and held both of his arms to stop him. It was there I remembered how much bigger Declan was compared to me. But he still stopped.

"Please Declan, you don't need to do this. This is too much."

He looked pained. "I have to. He-"

"He didn't do anything."

"No, you don't understand. We have to..." I felt him clutch his fists tighter in his hands. He was frustrated and confused, trying to find the right words. But he didn't.


"C'mon Naomi."

Bennett took me by the wrists and moved me away. I didn't bother to fight back. They would never listen to me. They never did. Nothing mattered anymore. I looked back at Declan, but he avoided my gaze.

The Good Girl's Bad Boys [Book Two of TGGBB Series] (Ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now