18. The Almost

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     By the time I wake up, Donghyuck already left for his morning class and I can't deny the emptiness that washes over me when I realize he's gone

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     By the time I wake up, Donghyuck already left for his morning class and I can't deny the emptiness that washes over me when I realize he's gone. But it does leave me room for some deep morning thoughts.

I only had one job: to not fall in love with Lee Donghyuck.

I didn't even consider the possibility of it. With our history, even liking him as a person would seem to be a laughable idea. Maybe I was too caught up in the moment, too caught up in my pain that I became stupid enough to agree to his ridiculous arrangement. I was only supposed to act as his fake girlfriend for four weeks—not catch feelings for this man I've come to know as so much more than the annoying brat I thought I knew.

I'm angry. I'm frustrated. I'm upset that I feel like this, this indescribable mess of beautiful emotions whenever I'm with him, yet as I lightly brush the now empty side of the bed where he had slept, I realize that I don't want anything less. I want those butterflies I would get whenever he says something flirtatious or whenever he comes too close. I want the warmth that wraps around my body when we're laughing over something absolutely not that funny. I want that feeling that squeezes my chest when he smiles at me. I want Lee Donghyuck, as mad as it makes me to admit, I want him so badly.

     But regardless of Renjun's observations, I can't be too certain that he feels the same way. Even if he did, I'm reminded of the conversation we had that night at the park about how we both have fucked up relationship histories. There's no telling that we wouldn't fuck it up with each other too and that's the last thing I want.

     I'd rather not have him at all than lose him.

After getting ready and cursing Renjun out for having no classes today (which means I'll have to walk to college since he'd rather die than wake up to drive me and I actively refuse to be the one to drive his rusty dying sedan), I leave our tiny home and wince at the glare of the sun above my head. Once my eyes adjust to how sunny it is, I notice Donghyuck's SUV parked right outside our gate. With an eyebrow raised in curiosity, the window rolls down as I approach the car, asking if the driver inside had forgotten something.

I glance at my watch, then look back at him. "Besides, don't you have class?"

"In twenty minutes," he shrugs. "I thought I'd pick you up before then so you don't have to walk all the way. I know how grumpy you get whenever you have to walk to campus. Your tantrums remind me of Shrek sometimes."

I flip him off as I climb into the passenger seat that's no longer a stranger to me and while he laughs, I welcome the way Donghyuck's hand immediately finds mine. It's one thing that men are somewhat ten times more attractive when they're steering the wheel with one hand—but for the other hand to be holding yours as they do so even if they just compared you to an ogre, whew. I'm not sure how I'm still alive.

"You really didn't have to leave campus in between your classes just to pick me up, you know." I mumble as our college gates come into view.

"I know. I just want to."

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