12. The Number 10

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     "I can't believe you dragged me here

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"I can't believe you dragged me here." Renjun grumbles as he switches off the ignition. He shoots me a pleading look, begging me to let him go, but I hop out of the car and open his door with a cheeky grin.

"I can't believe I dragged myself here either!" I pull him by the elbow, ignoring his whines in protest.

It's the day of the friendly match, which also marks my first soccer game ever. There's loud music playing from the field and people are filling up the bleachers to the brink. Students from our college are showing solidarity by wearing neon green or smudging green paint on their faces—I put a green ribbon around my short ponytail, while I forced Renjun into a green hoodie. The entire section for our campus looks like a patch of grass and I easily spot Jaemin and Jeno with our seats saved beside them, the former in a green sweater and the latter has a green bandanna around his head.

"Hi, boys!" I chirp and claim the space next to Jaemin. Renjun sits down beside Jeno, immediately complaining to him about how he doesn't want to be here.

"You look cute," Jaemin smiles, touching my ribbon. "And that jersey looks really familiar, I feel like I've seen it before."

"It's Donghyuck's from high school. You know, the one he keeps framed because it's his pride and glory and he wants to keep it in pristine condition until he can give it to the girl of his dreams." Jeno casually explains, eyes scanning the still empty field.

     Jaemin gasps in recognition, while Renjun bursts out laughing.

     "Girl of his dreams? Moon Haeyi is the girl of Donghyuck's dreams? I never thought I'd live to see the day." the latter shakes his head as he laughs.

     "How did you of all people get to wear this, Hae?" Jaemin chuckles too.

     "It's all part of the plan, guys! We all know that Donghyuck commits to his lies very passionately." I assure them, then quickly changing the subject to the play that Renjun's directing this semester. I have to refrain from elaborating on anything related to my current deal with Donghyuck to keep a certain secret intact. Although his brother, his best friend and my best friend are important enough to know about our arrangement, there's one thing that must remain between Donghyuck and I only. None of Jeno, Jaemin or Renjun know the truth behind Mark and Chaeyoung—they just think it's hilarious that Donghyuck's ex and my ex somehow found each other and fell in love.

Soon enough, the MC makes incoherent announcements through a crappy microphone and the whole place implodes with cheers as the teams come out onto the field. It's not hard for me to find Donghyuck—jersey number 10, long hair, smug look on his face—and I find myself smiling when I see him. I know he can't see me, but I mouth the words "Good luck", hoping that my good energy would reach him somehow.

When the cheers die down for the game to start, it allows me to hear the bullshit the people behind us are spewing. I feel my blood boil when I eavesdrop on their conversation.

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