16. The Last Favor

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     As per every Monday morning, I drag my feet into my management class only five minutes shy of the time the class is supposed to start

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     As per every Monday morning, I drag my feet into my management class only five minutes shy of the time the class is supposed to start. God, I feel like death itself. I'm sleepy, I'm moody, my glasses are fogged up from the cold and I nearly bump into someone on the way to my normal seat. I can't believe I let Jaemin talk me into signing up for an 8am class on a Monday.

     I fall into the empty chair he has saved next to him, groaning at the way my back cracks as I straighten up. Jaemin shoots me a brief welcoming smile before turning back to the camera in his hands. I'm guessing he's going through photos from the nursing home to put in the club report due at the end of the week which, luckily, I am not in charge of.

     "I'm going to kill Donghyuck." Jaemin mutters, not looking at me.

     "Funny, that's what I usually say," I stretch my arms and lean towards Jaemin to see what's on his camera. "What'd he do?"

     "During the last activity back at the nursing home, I had to take part, right? So I gave him my camera and told him to take pictures of pretty things. By that, I meant like, the grandmothers cheering each other on, or the leaves falling while we were playing three-legged race. But..."

     Jaemin's voice slightly drones out when I realize what he's looking at. It's a picture of me. From the nursing home, in Donghyuck's clothes, laughing while clapping. He presses a button and the next several pictures are all of me from that day. Most of them are with me facing the camera, holding up a V sign or sticking my tongue out. I was aware at the time that he was photographing me—I just didn't know he was photographing only me.

     "...he didn't take a picture of anything except you."

     I subtly clear my throat, attempting to act cool. "Maybe it's because I'm pretty."

     "Or maybe it's because he likes you." Jaemin suggests casually. So casually that it seems like he's been considering it for a very long time.

     My eyes widen and I quickly shake my head. "What? No! No way. Donghyuck? Liking me? Not gonna happen."

     "You know what is actually 'no way'?" Jaemin grins at me. "There is no way you two had spent this entire month pretending to date without feelings getting involved."

     I gulp.

     "What are you trying to say?"

     "I'm trying to say that you both have a lot more coming than what you bargained for."

     Right when I'm about to stammer out a reluctant response, Jaemin dramatically shushes me and pushes my face away as our lecturer steps in. I slump in my chair, gathering my class essentials while my brain is still trying to piece together what Jaemin just said.

     Now that I think about it, he's right. When Donghyuck proposed that we are the perfect match to do something like this, we believed that all those years of coming at each other's necks would prevent us from easily catching feelings like fake couples do in movies. I guess neither of us expected for a friendship to grow between us—I honestly don't know where it came from. I barely noticed it until now but Donghyuck's not a foe anymore.

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