22. The Mistake

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     I guess with how much my emotions have gotten involved this past month, I've forgotten how to use my head

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I guess with how much my emotions have gotten involved this past month, I've forgotten how to use my head. I barely take time to think about what Chaeyoung had just told me before I march towards the engineering department's parking lot, where I know there's a big chance Donghyuck would be. My assumption turns out to be correct as I see him approaching his car and he doesn't notice me storming towards him. As he's opening his door, I slam it shut.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I snap at him.

Donghyuck's brows furrow in confusion at my sudden ambush. He glances around, presumably to see if anyone's nearby to watch me make a scene. Meanwhile, I remain standing with my arms crossed, eyes locked on him as my heart burns with an indescribable fury.

"What are you talking about? What'd I do?" Donghyuck asks calmly, yet seriously. It kind of scares me, but I'm too riled up—mind you, I myself can't explain why I'm acting against my common sense—to back down.

     "You told Chaeyoung about us," I state rather than question. "She came up to me and revealed that she knows everything, like she described our fake relationship and the reasons for it. The things that only you and I and our three friends are supposed to know. I thought we had a deal! Why'd you tell her? To humiliate me? Is that it?"

     Donghyuck's expression changes from confusion to disappointment. "Wait— you believe Chaeyoung over me?"

     "Why should I trust you?"

     I don't know why those words leave my mouth. But the moment I hear myself say them, regret seeps into every inch of my being, especially upon seeing the pain that flashes through Donghyuck's eyes in response.

     "You're asking why you should trust me when I should be asking you why the fuck you would believe Chaeyoung," Donghyuck raises his voice a little, sending a shiver down my spine.

     "For this past month when all I've did was lie to other people, pretend in front of other people, all I've done was be honest to you. I was only myself whenever I was with you, and you have the stomach to ask why you should trust me," he adds softly. He looks away from me and I feel a sharp strike to my chest from the way he reaches out to touch my hand, only to retreat to his hair instead.

     "I can't be sure how she found out either, but it's nice to see how much you don't trust me. It's to the point you'd instantly take Chaeyoung's word before asking for mine." Donghyuck chuckles, but it's not out of humour.

     The reasonable voice in my head is now screaming at me, reprimanding me for making the biggest mistake in my life. My brain is fried up in deep realization of the mess I created, but I can still think of blurting out a poor attempt of an apology.

     "Donghyuck, I'm sorry, I don't know what's gotten into me—"

     "I'm sorry, too." is all that Donghyuck whispers with a tone I've never heard him use. He gets into his car and drives off without another word, without offering me his passenger seat like he normally would.

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