19. The Olive Branch

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     After the weird almost kiss I shared with Donghyuck, we both opted to pretend like nothing happened

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     After the weird almost kiss I shared with Donghyuck, we both opted to pretend like nothing happened. And I guess we were both too embarrassed to even text each other like we normally would at night. For the past fifteen minutes as I showered and completed my skincare routine, all I can think about is whether I should address the elephant in the room or just casually strike up a conversation with him to make sure we're good.

We're good. Of course we're good. Right?

Squinting as I shuffle from the bathroom to my bedroom, my eyes grow narrower as I try to recognize the outline of foreign items on my bed. Closing the door behind me with my butt, I reach for my glasses and frown when I see that there's a large paper bag where I'm sure wasn't there before I left to wash up. I approach the paper bag carefully, a little bit afraid it might be a prank or not actually for me—though it is in my room. Sharply inhaling a breath, I reach into the bag to pull out a dress.

     Oh my God.

     It's the ruffle dress I fell in love with during that time I accompanied Donghyuck to the tailor. It's the exact same one, except the one I saw was in black and the one I'm holding is in blush pink. It's a shade that I'd never see myself wearing, but it's so pretty that I'm speechless as I admire the way its fabric feels between my fingers. I then notice that the price tag is still attached to the dress; upon closer inspection, however, it isn't a price tag. It's a note.

     Will be picking you (wearing this dress) up after your class. See you then, beautiful.

     I'd recognize this scrawny handwriting with my eyes closed from the number of times I've nagged him to make it neater. I have several questions, like how he knows my dress size and how on earth he snuck this gift in while I was in the bathroom, but the answer is obvious. Lee Donghyuck's the culprit and we have none other than Huang Renjun as his accomplice.

     I've always gone for darker shades of every colour whenever I dress up. To say that I'm nervous to put on such a light shade is an understatement—I'm wincing as I put the dress on, terrified to see what I'm going to look like. When I look at my mirror, I sigh in relief to see that I don't look that bad. But there's only one person whose opinion would matter to me. He's the only person I want to impress.

     Tying my short hair up into a half ponytail, I put on make-up that matches my dress, I put on my watch and pull out the shoes that I know would look good with this dress. As insecure as I am about how different I look, it gives me a whole new glow.

     Renjun is waiting for me in the living room for us to go to class together. He takes a second look at me, eyes wide and jaw hung.

     "Should I go change?" I ask hesitantly.

     "Are you fucking kidding me? If you change, I'll force you into that dress," Renjun scowls and I chuckle.

     "You look so pretty, Hae. And I have to say that it's partly because you look so happy," he adds softly. "This is the happiest I've seen you in so long."

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