05. The Couple

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     Courtroom used to feel like home

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Courtroom used to feel like home.

Now it feels like hell.

Excuse the exaggeration. I'm just dreading today's Justice meeting for more than one reason; the first being that it's still morning. I'm not a morning person and I'm only able to function approximately ten minutes after 9am. Another thing is Lee Donghyuck, which is the big thing that leads to two other reasons why I'm not so thrilled for the meeting.

Reason number one: I'm still mad that we came up with this whole arrangement and thought that we'd be safe in Justice, ultimately forgetting that our Justice president is also captain of the soccer team. So now we have to pretend like we're in love during Justice meetings, which would be difficult considering that he and I can barely cooperate as heads of planning, resulting in reason number two: we're having this meeting because Donghyuck and I couldn't decide on whose plan to proceed with for our MT. And by "couldn't decide", I mean that we had started aggressively throwing paper balls at each other in disapproval of the other's idea until we eventually settled on doing a vote instead.

As I corner into the hallway where Courtroom is, something is shoved into my face and I almost trip over my own feet. Thank God I didn't because that "something" happens to be a hot drink from Starbucks and it's too early for me to burn myself.

"Good morning, babe! Warm chamomile tea for you." Jaemin chirps, his free hand holding a drink carrier with two other drinks. One for him and the other for his best friend I suppose.

     "You scared me!" I scold him, taking the drink with a frown.

     "Someone's crabby. Did you fight with your boyfriend?"

     "I don't have a boyf— oh. You know," I say dryly. "Well I'm about to fight with him, if that counts."

     "Of course I know," Jaemin grins. "Even if I didn't know, do you really think I, of all people, would believe that you two started dating after a single blind date? Don't worry. Unlike Renjun, I support this 100%. I've been trying to make you kids get along for years and if pretending to date is what it takes, I'm all on board."

     I slap his arm. "Don't say it so loudly! Nobody else can know what's really going on."

     Jaemin motions zipping his lips together and I chuckle. He puts a hand on my back, leading me into the room where many have already settled into their seats, including Donghyuck. I decide to pay him no attention as I fall into the empty beanbag beside Yeji. She, unfortunately, isn't listed in the quota of people who can know about the truth—I wonder how she'd react if she found out. Or maybe, if the heavens are on my side, Jungwoo wouldn't tell a soul and we can tell him that we're planning to keep our relationship a secret. Yeap. That should be a good idea.

I take a sip of my tea, only to immediately choke on it. Instead of the sweetness, flowery taste I'm hoping for, I taste stinging bitterness that immediately triggers my gag reflexes. This isn't tea, it's coffee and Jaemin knows I don't drink coffee. Coming to my senses after groaning at the tiny sip that tortures my throat, I realize that there's one plausible explanation.

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