Chapter 5

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2 weeks later*
Me and Eva have hung out everyday since I met her. I've caught real feelings for her and I'm scared to do anything about it but we've been flirting a lot and I think she might feel the same way. I might talk to her about it later. She also comes to my house everyday after school. Me and Zack go to parties every weekend just to keep our bond alive and we've been having a great time doing that.

Anna is literally the best thing to ever happen to me. She makes me see life in a whole new perspective. She is a little dark at times. What I mean by that is she talks about how everyone eventually dies and there's no point in doing anything if we're just going to die anyway. I try to tell her that yes we do all die but that's why god gave you a chance to live first. Every time we hang out we just get to know each other even more. Which I'm not sure how much longer we can do that before we know every little detail about each other. I've caught feelings for her. She's just perfect and i love every little detail that I've learned so far. I'm glad she's close with Zack because we've been friends since we were super little like around the age of 5. They go to parties on the weekend and those are the days we don't hang out. I really want to tell her how I feel but I'm scared she doesn't feel the same... you know what fuck it if she doesn't feel the same we can just be friends.

I told Eva to come over at 2 it's 1:45 so she should be on her way. I'm gonna tell her how I feel I need to stop being a coward and just say it. I really can't wait to see her. She needs to hurry up.
A few minutes later my thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell. I ran to the door and opened it.

"Hey Eva"I said out of breath.

"Hey I'm can we talk?"she asked oh god now I'm scared.

"Yea of course c'mon" I grabbed her hand and brought her to my room.

"So what's up"I asked anticipating an answer.

"I just wanted to say I like you like for real and it's perfectly okay if you don't like me back but I just needed to tell you" she said in one breath.

"I like you too. That's actually why I asked you to come over"
She sighed with relief.

"So do you want to go on a date? Saturday?" I asked

"Yeah sure"she said with a smile.
We hung out the rest of the night doing the usual talking cuddling and some movies. I can't wait to take her on a date. I already have the perfect idea...

So this chapter was a little longer. I hoped you like it next chapter will be the date. I hope you like it so far. Don't forget to eat and drink water.

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