Chapter 49

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A/N: I do not remember describing Leia's death, however I did show what she tried doing when she died.

          Once the Falcon landed on the planet Kef Bir, the Resistance members knew that this would make them one step closer to finding the exact location of the Emperor on the planet Exegol. Rey knew the Wayfinder was here, it was just a matter of where to look first on this planet. She will destroy Palpatine, he made sure that her father died even if it was due to her mother. Nimeria let her anger and hatred for their mother control her actions towards their mother and home planet. But she still could feel good inside her sister and she could feel everything her sister was going through just as Nimeria could feel with Rey. Luckily, Rey and the others met up with Jannah who was able to point them into the correct location of the Wayfinder and nothing was going to stop her from getting it.

Rey took the skimmer and went towards the Wayfinder, she did not need more people she cared for to get hurt especially if it was something she caused. She climbed onto the ship and found a way inside to find the Wayfinder, she knew she was getting close as she began to hear whispers in the distance. 'Rey join us. I need my sister by my side.' Nimeria whispered. Rey turned around quickly but she did not see Nimeria anywhere. Finally, she found the Wayfinder as she touched it a vision came to her, she saw herself as a Sith, she went to the dark side, but she could not believe what she was seeing. "Don't be afraid of who you are." Sith Rey said. Rey began to strike at herself all the way back on top of the structure, causing the Wayfinder to fall out of her grasp. As she turned around she saw Kylo Ren holding the Wayfinder.

"Look at yourself, you wanted to prove to my mother, my uncle and everyone else that you were a Jedi. But, you have proven something else, you cannot go back to her now, much like I can't." Kylo stated as he looked at the Wayfinder then back at Rey. "Give it to me." Rey says sternly. "The dark side is in our nature, surrender to it." "Give it to me." Rey hisses at him. "The only way you are getting to Exegol is with me." Kylo says as he looks once more at Rey before destroying the Wayfinder in front of her. "NO!!!" Rey shouts as she charges at Kylo and began to strike at him with her lightsaber, both have always been strong and deadly when dueling. When Kylo believes he has the upper hand, he has a vision of his mother just before she died. "Ben." She said softly, he believed that she had given up on her, but that was not the case. She still even in death loved her son, this emotion was so great he dropped his lightsaber. Without realizing it Rey caught it before it hit the ground and impaled him with his own weapon.

Kylo yells out in pain, and Rey began to sense Leia being with not only her son but also Rey, "Leia." She whispered as tears threaten to fall from her eyes, she looks at Kylo and her eyes widen. She begins to look around to see if Nimeria will show up, but it is only those two together. "What have I done?" She asked herself softly, she then starts to heal him through the force like she did with the sand serpent. Kylo's breathing becomes heavier as he stares at her, "I did want to take your hand, Ben's hand." Rey suddenly stated as Kylo looked at her taken back by her words. Rey gets up and takes Kylo's destroyer leaving him there. 

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