Chapter 37

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*A/N: So I don't remember what or even if I stated what Nimeria's father's name was but I couldn't find the record so I hope I guessed right. Also, this is a conversation between Rey and Jaina*

"Who killed who?" Finn asked. "Nimeria she...." "Finn let me talk to her." Jaina said as she noticed that Rey was not able to finish her sentence. Finn was hesitant at first but then simply nodded and walked away leaving Jaina and Rey alone. As she walked towards Rey, she placed her hand gently onto her shoulder. "I know, I felt it too. There is nothing we can do now but try to stop them. Rey, what do you know about your family?" "Nothing much, except that they traded me away. Well, that is what I was told." "I see, there is something that I need to tell you." Jaina stated as she walked in front of her and taking a deep breath.

Rey wiped her tears away and looked at Jaina as she waited for her to begin speaking. "As I told you that I am Obi-Wan Kenobi's daughter...however, that is not all I am. You see, I am both your and Nimeria's aunt." "What? No that's...I don't understand." "I know it is difficult to understand but please hear me out." "Fine." "Thank you, Rey your father was Voijinn Kenobi and your mother was Namara Palpatine. Voijinn and I were born on a planet known as Mandalore, our father, and our mother kept us hidden and a secret from the Jedi Council and everyone else. After our mother died Obi-Wan took us to a planet known as Koihiri. He didn't know that it was under the Empire's influence."

"Voijinn and Namara both loved each other very much and it grew when she learned she was carrying a child, the heir to the throne. However, what they didn't realize was she was carrying twins; once you both were born, Nimeria showed such strength in the Force where you did not. Your mother, however, was scared of this fact and hated that she was different. The only way to keep you both safe was to hide her away, but it never lasted very long. Everything Jedi and Sith and what they believe in was banned on the planet to secure peace between Koihiri and the Empire."

"Voijinn realized what Namara was doing and tried to save you both, so he took you and Nimeria away from your mother. Before she found out, he gave you to a friend who was leaving, and they took you as their own; the thing he didn't know was where you would be. Namara found out and sent guards after him and since she was the ruler of the planet, they obeyed. They shot him out of space causing him to crash land on Chandrila, he was only able to give Nimeria to Luke Skywalker before succumbing to his wounds. No one in the galaxy knew yours or her origins, even the Emperor; your great-grandfather had no idea that you and Nimeria even existed." Jaina finished explaining while not making eye contact with Rey.

"So, what happened to my mother? Does Nimeria know?" "Yes, she does, Nimeria found out while she tortured and killed Namara. She found out why you both were always connected by the Force, that is why she hesitates to hurt you, no matter what Ben Solo wants to think." "Did my mother find out where Nimeria was?" "She did, and she was not happy. She had a bad temper; it got worse when she found out her daughter fell in love with a Solo. Nimeria was forced to come back to her home planet she never knew nor remembered and ripped from Ben's arms. The darkness was always inside her Rey, however it only started growing when she realized everything, she was told has been a lie." Jaina replied lowering her head.

"And what happened to Koihiri?" "Your sister destroyed it, she no longer wanted the memory of her mother sending people to kill your father and take you away from her. Ben was her light as she was his, unfortunately the darkness inside was just as strong as it was inside Ben. You have the light like your grandfather, where as she got both the light and darkness like Obi-Wan and Darth Sidious." Jaina stated looking into her niece's brown eyes. "Why didn't you come get me? Why didn't you protect Nimeria? WHY!!!?" "I couldn't Rey, I was never allowed to be around you, the Force was non-existent in my brother but, not in me. Namara believed I would try to train you and her in the ways of the Force, even after my brother died, I could never find you and I was too late by the time I found out Nimeria was in Koihiri again."

"I'm sorry Rey. I love you both. You can bring balance to the Force and save your sister. I will help you if you let me." Jaina replied. Rey was in shock and she simply stayed silent for a while before agreeing silently and standing up to face her aunt.

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