Chapter 50

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          After waiting for Kylo to come back, Nimeria had enough and decided to give herself to her great grandfather no matter the cost. As long as he and Rey are safe; she breaks her own lightsaber and headed to one of the escape pods heading to Exegol, unbeknownst to her, Rey is also headed to Exegol. Both unable to sense each other through the Force as their minds are clouded and only think about their great grandfather. Once they both arrived, they entered in two different entry ways towards the old Emperor. All around them are aliens chanting words, neither of them know and still are unaware of each other's presence. As they exited the tunnel both girls backs to one another and they look around the cavern before coming face to face with each other. "Rey?" "Nimeria?" Rey said in disbelief as she stared into the bright blue eyes of her twin.

"Long have I waited." A sinister voice said causing both girls to turn around from where the voice came from and saw the metal arm that the Emperor is connected to. "For my great grandchildren to come home." Palpatine started as he smiled evilly. "I never wanted you dead but in truth I wanted you and your sister here as Empress Palpatine. Since you are the oldest Rey." He continued as he pointed to the throne next to him. "You will take the throne and your sister by your side." He said as he took notice that both girls took a step back. "It is your birthright to It is in your blood, in our blood. Nimeria will take your place when the time is right." Palpatine finished as he continued to stare at them. "I haven't come to lead the Sith...I have come to end them." Rey said as she still took another step back. "As a Jedi?" "Yes." "No, your hatred, your anger. You want to kill me? That is what I want. Kill me and my spirit will pass into you as all the Sith live within me. You will be Empress; we will be one. And when the time comes, Nimeria will kill you and so goes the cycle." Palpatine smirked deviously.

"No. Rey will not do it, I will." Nimeria stepped towards the Emperor in front of her sister. Just then Nimeria is struck down with lightning Force from Palpatine as he laughs sinisterly. "You, no...your insolent child are nothing compared to your older sister." He stated as his eyes went back to Rey. "The time has come! With your hatred, you will take my life, and you will ascend." Palpatine gasped. "All you want is for me to hate, but I won't. Not even you." Rey said through gritted teeth as she inched her way to her sister who was groaning in pain. "Weak, just like your parents." "Our parents were strong no matter their mistakes. Out father saved us from you." "Your master Luke Skywalker was saved by his father. The only family you have here is me and your sister who will not save you." Palpatine chuckled as he opened the top of the cavern to show her that the Resistance was fighting with Palpatine's fleet. "They don't have long." He sneered at her.

"No one is coming to help them, and you are the one who led them here. Strike me down, take the throne, reign over a new empire and the fleet will be yours and yours alone. Only you have the power to save them, refuse then Nimeria and your new family dies." Palpatine says watching the girl like a hawk. "No Rey don't. He is lying, I'm sorry for everything I have done. Please don....AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Nimeria screamed in pain as Palpatine struck her with lightning once again. "Stop please I will do it. Please stop hurting her." Rey begged causing her great grandfather to smile. "Good." He said rasply. 

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