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The next morning I woke up in my room with something on top of me 

"Dude don't fucking move, I'm busy getting beauty sleep" I could recognize the black baked boys voice almost immediately. 

"Alex get the fuck off me. Your heavy as shit"

"Now that's no way to treat a friend is it"

"I'll give you to three or I'll push you off"

"Alright alright, fucking fine." Alex got off my back with a huff. "Very rude of you to wake me up in such a rude manner miss"

"Oh yes, my bad your highness" I bowed in his direction while still sitting on my bed, earning a chuckle come the boy in front of me

"Well y/n I got some things to do today but I'll be around if you need me, bye stupid"

"до свидания" -goodbye but in Russian-

"Jesus Christ I forgot you learned Russian. For a second I thought you got possessed there. ANYWAYS BYE OR I'MA BE LATE" and with that he closed the door behind him and left. I just softly laughed at his stupidity. I wasn't planning on doing much today, so I got ready and looked at myself in the mirror next to my balcony

"Daymm Y/n Schlatt, you look as stunning as ever" I blew a kiss to the reflection in the mirror and made my way towards the door. I decided to get something small for breakfast and eat in the garden for fun.  Once I stepped outside the soft breeze hit my face. Out of all the places in the castle, the garden had to be my favorite of them all. The library probably second up, but for the time being it was being remodeled. 

"Oh hi y/n didn't see you there" the voice came from behind where I was sitting.

"Oh hey Tubbo, what are you doing here?"

"I have a meeting with your dad in a while, mind if I take a seat?

"Oh yeah, here" I moved over and patted the spot next to me.

"Thanks" I nodded and it was quiet for a bit. Yeah we were siblings but we haven't talked much, not to mention the poor guy didn't know. So I decided to start Up the conversation this time

"Do you know what the meeting is gonna be about?" 

"Nope, all I know is that I'm not the only one going. I think big Q is aswell."

"How does it feel to be the youngest but have higher power Big Law?"

 "Powerful, though watch out girl, like in my name, I'm a lawyer" I laughed at his comment and joking manner, just then a bee landed on one of the berry's I brought out

"Look Tubbo, a bee"

"A BEE, OH MY GOD I LOVE BEES" he eagerly yet carefully picked up the berry where the bee landed on. He started fanboying over the bee, but I didn't blame him. 

"So you like bees"

"Did you not hear me y/n I LOVE them" 

"Come with me I think I have something for you"

"But I don't wanna leave the bee"

"Don't worry, bring it with you"

"I don't thing your dad will be okay with that"

"Who cares, what he doesn't know won't hurt him" I grabbed the hand Tubbo wasn't holding the bee in. We quickly walked to my room and I opened up the balcony window just because the outside air still felt nice

"Why are we here of all places"

"Give me a second and you'll find out" I dug through my closet and saw the box at the bottom of it. Instantly pulled it out and opened it up, and just as expected it had the things I was looking for inside. I took out the little plush that I was looking for and saw Tubbo's eyes light up. "Just what I was looking for" I made my way over to the younger boy. "Here, I got it a while back, but I think you would like it more than me" I smiled and tried to hand it to him

"Are you sure y/n." He headed over to my balcony and placed the bee on the railing.

"Positive" I smiled and handed it to him. Tubbo just looked down at it with big eyes and smiled before looking  up at me and took me in for a hug. It took me by surprise, but I hugged back. I felt a warm feeling in me knowing my little brother and I now had a bond. The sweet moment was ruined by a knock at the door.

"You may enter" I said loud enough so the person across the door could hear me. I let go of Tubbo and he let go of me. That hug felt like I actually had a caring family member again. Gorge walked in with a soft smile, not trying to come off as too cold I smiled back "Hello Goggy" 

"Why" Gorge asked. I knew he didn't like the nickname but it was all fun in games.

"Because I find it funny" Tubbo was behind me stifling  his giggles

"Anyway I'm here to tell you schlatt is looking for you"

"Oh I'm sorry, I thought the meeting was untill a while later" Tubbo said while getting  woried

"Not you Tubbo, Y/n" now it was my turn to get worried. I almost never was called into fathers office.

"Oh" I paused a bit "okay" I headed towards my door still wondering why I was being called to see him.

"Do you know the way?" -ugandan knuckles refrance?????-

"Yea" I turned around to my younger brother "Bye Tubbo, hope you enjoy the bee!" I nodded at Gorge and left. As I headed towards the far left side of the castle, where my father was, I thought about possible reasons why he would want to lat to me today. There was still some weeks untill I had to do the whole "choose your husband" thing. While my mind was at war with itself I didn't  realize I had passed his office completely and had to walk back a bit. 

I stood in front of my father's office, I really didn't like this. Granted yes I was a grown woman, but still he scares me. It been years since I've called him dad. I remember him telling me that a proper girl must use proper words such as father. I took in a deep breath, put on an expressionless face and knocked the door.

"You may come in" I took one last deep breath and walked in. No turning back now. "Ah, hello y/n, my sweet daughter."

"Father" I nodded to his response 

"Well y/n, your a grown lady now and of course comes the prosses of finding the right husband. The courting starts today after the meeting I have." He looked at me seriously whole I looked confused and shocked

"Wait, but I thought I still had at least two weeks left"

"Well some things had to be re arranged, but this won't hurt" I opened my mout to protest but he just gave me a stern look and waved me off indicating I should leave. I turned around with a huff not at all happy.

Fucking old man thinks I can't do great. I'll show him wrong


YOO if you saw Tommy's stream today. Let's cry together. I mean Dream Smp Arc 3 CONFIRMED LETS GO BABY! After this I'ma upload a chapter for 4:20 so if ya want stick around

also what do y'all think of the new theme. Going for a virus file since my user is va1.exe ANYWAY HOPE YALL HAVE A GREAT DAY

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