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I softly smiled at his presence. "Hey" I softly said "come take a seat" I said patting the seat next to me. Could I possibly get killed? Yes? Am I being dumb for getting close to a stranger? Kind of. That's what some strangers are for. "So, what leads you to the pslase gardens at this hour?"

"I have no idea to be honest" he did running his hand gently over the grass. I sighed and layed down on the grass looking at the twinkling stars above.

"Don't you just wish you could explore the world more?"


"Don't you feel tied down by some things sometimes. Things you just can't escape?"

"Sometimes" he answered eyes and focus still on the grass.

"I want to hold a star" I thought out loud "I know that's physically impossible but I want to"

Techno just nodded. Something didn't seem right.

"Hey you know I don't bite," I said sitting back up " I'd love to be friends with you" I smiled at him and he just turned to me with a blank stare. I gave up and looked back up at the sky now looking at the placements. Orion's belt was visible tonight.

"Look Techno, Orion's belt." He looked to where I pointed

"Do you know who he was?"

"Very little" I responded, happy r was talking now "do you?"

"Yeah, a good amount too."

"Mind telling me?" He turned to me, as if I were the first person to ask that


"Positive" I said as he started talking about a god I already knew about, I just wanted to hear him talk.

The wind kept us warm while Techno went on about Orion with a soft hint of passion. I convinced him to lay down on the grass with me while we looked up at the stars. The conversation of Orion formed into one of constellations. Then gods and greek mythology. He was so passionate about it to.

He yawned and I felt tired as well

"I think it's time we head in." I said sitting up an stretching

"Yeah, I think so too" he answered reaching out a hand to help me up.

We walked to the doors in a comfortable silence. We walked into the castle. My feet now hitting the cold floors, I already missed the wind from the outside.

"See you tomorrow Techno-friend?" I said sticking my hand out


"Your new nickname" I smiled

"You know, I like that one." He said with a soft and subtle smile. "See you tomorrow" he shook my hand and he turned to leave

Who knew, this stranger was met to be after all.

Hey hi hello another chapter bc I felt bored.

Anyways I have a question for you all that's up on my community board thing if you have not already and want to answer it go ahead.

I love you all, go drink some water, have some food do what makes you happy that keeps you ad others safe (so nothing TOO illegal) and remember I love you and am proud of you wor waking up. Muah muah

Aphrodite: Goddess of love •||• Technoblade x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now