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I read a techno fan fiction that made me cry three chapters in a row. Hopefully, this book ends up the same way. That's a joke. Partially anyway.


I woke up with Tubbo in my arms, I knew this boy was going to make my motherly instincts kick in sooner or later. Right as I was going to move softy to the side, to not disturb the sleeping kid, Alex bustles in being, well, Alex.

"GOOD MORNING!" Halfway off and being startled, naturally, I fell off my bed. Tubbo somehow, was able to sleep through the commotion.

"Alex!" I whisper yelled motioning to the sleeping child.

He disregard Tubbo and kept his judgemental look on me. "Still in last night's clothes are we y/n? Lazy much?"

"Big talk from someone who wears a beanie every day."

"Hey! It's a great fashion choice!" He said crossing his arms.

"Probably an excuse a person with a wig would use."

"Oh fuck you." He picked up a pillow and tri d to throw it at me. Keyword try. It landed next to me with a small 'boof' before I picked it up and chucked it in Alex's direction making him stumble back a bit.

"You were saying?"

He mumbled incoherent swears under his breath. "Screw you, I don't have enough energy to deal with you stupid ass."

"Oi, what do we do with lovely bee boy over here?"

"Wake him up?"

"Your idea, you do it. I gotta go change. Adios!" I gave him a quick salute before quickly scurrying over into my closet.

Waking up people is a dangerous thing when the haven't had enough sleep. So being the amazing person I am, put Alex up as bait. I changed listening to any sort of commotion coming from outside of the closet.

I walked out of my closet to Tubbo slowly sitting up. "Ayy! Good morning Big Law!"

"Morning y/n, morning Alex."

"Tubbo, y/n and I are going to get breakfast. We were wondering if you wanted to come with us?"

"I'd love to! By any chance you have clothes I could bowwow?"

I shook my head no. " We could go shopping for some later, my treat. Well using my dad's money, so we're free to get whatever."

The both nodded knowing we could let loose today.

I smiled thinking of all the fun things we could do today

Lore coming next few chapters! It's not too damaging, but there will be some things important to the plot.

Sorry this chapter isn't as long, didn't feel the best today but will hopefully return to my grind again tomorrow.

Besides that Loves have a good one, pay some attention in school. Eat drink water and treat yourself, you deserve it. Ily bye muah muah

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