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The song we were dancing too came to an end and we gave off our last bow. Our eyes met when we both fixed our posture. It was now when the light was casting directly on his face, his eyes. That was the most enchanting feature of a person to me. His eyes were a blood red, they shimmered in the light with specks of gold and brown. They were one of the features that pulled me in besides his personality. 

"Shall we head back?"Techno asked holding his hand out yet again

"We shall." I say while nodding putting my hand back in his. The now known feeling of his hand touches mine letting a small sike rest on my face. He had a feeling that just made me feel safe around him. I don't know what it is, or how it came to me feeling this, by it just was one of those on instinct type of things.

While we make our way up the stairs in a weirdly comfortable silence, I noticed my dad up where I was moments ago talking with Alex and Tubbo. I didn't feel nervous because I knew he wasn't going to tell at me in front of everyone. He has a facade he wants to keep.

"Y/n, welcome back" he had opened hi arms for a hug, he was never one of physical contact let alone even talking to me in a fatherly manner. "and who's this you've brought along?"

"Technoblade." I said nodding towards him stepping aside

Schlatt took a step forward and stook his hand out playing the smile of cons show up. "Well techno, what a pleasure it is meeting you."

"The pleasures all mine" his response sounded cold, threatening really. Techno didn't take dad's hand. He ignored it. That was a power play if I've ever seen one. I turn to Tubbo and Alex starting up a conversation with the both of them not noticing how techno and schlatt walked away talking, untill Tubbo brought it up.

"Look at him go, who knew my brother liked you. I choked on my drink


"Yeah, well, technically he's adopted so,"

"Oh he's he's the adopted one, hm?"

"Yeah" I jus sipped my drink telling myself now is not the time

"Shouldn't he be talking to you y/n?" Alex butted in, not averting his eyes from the dance floor

"Yeah I guess so, but I guess there goes another person for daddy's money and throne"

"Y/n your only getting married, it's no like you have to talk to him" (if anyone gets that refrance  please marry me) Alex said jokingly knowing that would get a reaction out of me

"Oh no not at all." I sad rolling my eyes ad giggling slightly alongside Tubbo

"Anyway y/n care for a dance?" Alex asked

"I'm only supposed to dance with suitors for the first couple of hours man, sorry"

"Who says I don't apply?"

"Wait, really?"

"Yes really you nimrod"

"Well I would, but I just can't leave Tubbo here."

Tubbo was now grinning ear to ear glad he could see he two people he has gotten close to in a matter of days possibly get together. I knew it wouldn't happen, but dancing with Alex woul be such a mess it would be funny. So I couldn't pass up "Don't worry y/n I'll watch from up here. Now go dance!" He shooed us away onto the stairs where Alex held out his arm

'May I?"

"You may" I said while smiling. I stood proven, the dumbass for a fact DIDN'T know how to dance. We both laughed at his stupidity the entirety of the song, which made it four times worse. The song came to an end and Alex and I were a giggling mess, untill I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and there he was.

"WILBUR" I said exclaiming wrapping my arms around him.

"I hope I don't interrupt anything, I've come for my dance." Wilbur smiled and Alex just settled his breathing

"No your good, go ahead. See you in a bit y/n" Alex said while still quietly giggling and walking away.

"Will I didn't actually think you would come!'

"Well princess," he snaked an arm around my waist and the classical music started back up " life is juts full of unexpected surprises."


Hey hi don't tell 4:20 I favorite you guys, it you get updates. Anyway sorry if his has more shitty spelling and an even shitter layout, his is my first time writing on my phone and I don't know how t do this sooooooo YEAH
anyway I'm trying some flashback stuff for tomorrows chapter, do there's something to look forward to
And like always go drink some water, eat something get some sleep and do some very deserved self care! Love you all muah muah

Aphrodite: Goddess of love •||• Technoblade x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now