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"Do you wanna just leave?" Techno asked out of the blue.

"You know I'd love to, but-" I stopped mid sentence. What the fuck is my dad gonna do I he finds out. Yell at me? At least then he'd me giving me attention.

"But, what?" Techno asked waiting for my answer.

"But," I said stretching it out "I haven't had anything to eat, so how about we get food and then get going?" Techno seemed to think to himself before he spoke again.

"How about I take you out to eat, my treat." He said and I swear I could see the faintest smile play at his lips.

"Technoblade, are yu asking me out on a date right now?" I teased playfully hoping he wouldn't take it technally or fin offence in it.

"No, that would be weird."

"Guess you really didn't want to be a suitor, huh?" I pushed a joke a bit more to see what reaction I could get.

"No of course not," he seemed like he just potentially screwed something big up. "I just didn't think you would be okay with it." He said now standing.

"Don't worry," I said softly laughing, "I was just messing with you. What happened when we were joking around" I said softly punching his arm. I just got a soft nod ad sorry from him.

We headed inside in silence I arrived at the grand doors, but before I left I went up to one of the maids there and alerted her I was going out. God how I had always wanted to do that.

"Alright techno ready to go?"

"Yep." I opened the door forgetting people were on the other side and stepped out proudly with techno just half a step behind me.

"Y/n? What are you doing out?"



Ok so yes next few chapters well learn about Penny the maid and Captain Puffy! Our mother that we don't know is our mother and our mother figure growing up.

But besides all that like always go drink some water eat something and do all you can do today. Do your best and remember I'm proud of you for waking up today. Ik it's hard but it'll get better:] ily bye bye

Aphrodite: Goddess of love •||• Technoblade x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now