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I walked back to my room with Alex and a sleepy Tubbo. I had a good time at the party, being able to be next to two of the closet people I have and not having to stress out so much about suitors. "Ok but Alex, I didn't know you drink." I smiled towards him and slightly punched his shoulder

"Oh well, you know me, drug obsessed and everything," I softly laughed at his statement "no but really, what can I say, a classy drink for a classy man."

"Yeah yeah whatever you say sir." I said rolling my eyes now making sure Tubbo didn't fall forward due to how he was now half asleep "Hey big law, you good?" I shook him slightly trying my best to wake him up

"Huh?" He seemed to have quickly snapped back into reality "No no yeah I'm fin-" his sentence was interrupted by his yawn. I'm assuming the poor kid isn't used to staying up that late and being that social. I myself had to admit I'd have to take a bit off myself too, I don't think I've ever interacted with that amount of people all in one night, let alone in my lifetime. "Hey y/n are we near my house yet?"

"If the castle is your new estate then yeah I guess we are" Alex said with a chuckle

"Yay, okay" Tubbo was on the verge of falling asleep so I did the only thing I thought I could do

"Alex help me out here,"

"What am I helping you with exactly?"

"Getting Tubbo on my back"

"Oh? Don't you think it would be better for me to carry him?"

"Alex, with those lovely noodle arms of yours no"


"Quiet dumbass were dealing with a sleeping kid" I wispered yelled "now quit complaining and help me get Tubbo to my bed safely" I kicked off my heels knowing if I tried walking in them whit Tubbo on my back I would instantly fall. Alex had no other choice than to help me and I securely had Tubbo on my back. To be honest I didn't know what I was expecting, but he was lighter than I imagined.

Alex picked up my shoes and we continued walking in silence. It was a comfortable walk to my room, enjoying the faint yet still audible music, the dimly lit castle, and the windows that showed the starry night sky. The remaining walk to my room was short so when we got there he opened the door and helped me place Tubbo on the bed. The music could now barley be heard.

I sighed and flopped down on my floor next to my bed and let out a sigh on relief, I was tired mentally, and physically. Not to mention my social meter was in the negatives. "I had a ton of fun tonight, it was quite a shocker too" I smiled

"What part?"

"All of it, mainly when I found out you were a suitor!" I softly exclaimed

"yeah well your dad made me do it" he smiled "but I think I would have applied anyways"

"Whys that?"

"For shits and giggles, not to mention were already close so,"

"Yeah, but the question is do you want to be picked?" He seemed to think about it for a moment

"Nah, if being your dad's right hand man is crazy enough, I can't imagine what being his son in law is! Not to mention I can't stand you at all!" He laughed and put an arm around my shoulders in a side hug

"Yeah yeah whatever" I said giving him a side hug in return we just sat there for a couple moments enjoying each other's company. "Hey you wanna sleep over tonight?"

"Sadly cant, your dad's making all guards take care of the party or main entrance while it still goes on."

"But your not a guard?"

"Yeah I know, but I still have to make an appearance, or babysit to make sure he doesn't get back out drunk and killed. But hey, hopefully soon we can do a proper sleep over" he said getting up

"Yeah soon hopefully" I looked up at him and smiled

"Anyway see you tomorrow morning y/n" Alex bent down and kissed my forehead. I'm glad I have people like him to support me in life.

I sat on the floor, thinking of he events that had happened that night. I danced with a array of suitors. One of the suitors had the prettiest dress ever, we kin of matched. I liked her, Minx was her name. She herself was pretty and her accent was equally as beautiful. Then I remembered the dance with Will.


"Well princess, life is full of unexpected surprises" his smile was warm, I you could even call a smile warm. The timing seemed so perfect "just like when I met you."

"Now was it really a surprise?"

"A plesent one, yes."

We danced the next few songs together. I would have enjoyed it, if it weren't for two factors

1) Will kept looking in dad and technos direction as well as some man with wings.

2) The entire time I felt two pairs of eyes, none which was wilbur

Eventually I had danced with all he suitors and even recognized some faces. The rest of he night I spent dancing with Tubbo and Alex. I had so much fun with the both of them

Tubbo learned how to become a somewhat better dancer and Alex learned,,,, well nothing really.

|Flashback End|

I smiled to myself messing with the hem of my dress admiring it once again. I stood up and sat on the bed next to Tubbo trying my best to not wake him up. It sounds creepy, but I watched him sleep admiring his beauty and features you dont usually see at first glance. How he had small freckles that littered his face, another thing I noticed were two small bone colored objects hidden and slightly tucked in his hair. I gently moved his hair aside and saw two small forming horns. I smiled to myself, so he got that part of he genes? I don't know if I looked more like my mom or dad, I knew she was alive, dad always tells me she said hi, but I've never met her.

I kissed Tubbos forehead gently and got up and walked towards my balcony. I opened the doors adi stepped out closing them behind trying to make the least noise possible. The night air was warm. It wrapped around my skin like a warm embrace. The air smelled sweet. The sent of the flowers from the garden filling my body with pure bliss. He kingdom beyond the walls gently illuminated in the nights shadow. The sky like a blanket gently laied  over a quiet village with speaks of bright diamond littering it. I turned to face my door. I wanted to go to the garden. Who's gonna stop me? Besides it's on castle grounds.

I took my shoes off feeling the cold floor under me, it sent shivers up my spine and planted small goosebumps over my skin. I tiptoed out of my room and danced my way to the doors of the garden. Spinning and pretend to dance with a partner. I pushed he doors open ad stepped out. I made my way to where Tubbo and I were days prior. The grass ticking my feet while the air had kept me in it's warm embrace. I knelt down to gently grasp one of the flowers there. A small purple tulip. It was beautiful, soft against my hand. My mind drifted off to techno. What a person he was. He seemed mysterious, that was what called me in. I left he tulip alone and layed down on the grass looking the diamond embroidered blanket above. How I would pay to spend the moment with someone that cared like Tubbo or Alex. Just then I heard something, or more well said someone. Red cape and pink braid resting and very gently swaying to the airs soft unknown symphony.




Hey everyone thanks for the read and all, means a lot that you guys like my story, I honestly love writing and you guys give me motivation. Besides that go do some self care get some water and food. Don't do what I did and stay up till two reading fanfiction, please go get some sleep. Look into installing noonlight trust me. Besides all that love you and have a great day muah muah

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