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I KNOW I PFOMISED THIS ON FRIDAY IM SO SORRY BUT my school is testing so I don't have school all this week so expect a shite ton of chapters love y'all. muah


I turned to the somewhat familiar voice remembering our short run in earlier. 

"Hello Techno" I say with a small smile, not really knowing what to think of the situation 

"Princess y/n," he said giving a small bow "sorry about the weird run in earlier wasn't the most pleasant introdu-"

"Not an issue at all," I said with a slight chuckle (sandwich, hehe ok ok sorry back to the story) "when your in the royal family you have way more interesting first impressions"

"So your implying my introduction was, interesting"

"Very" I said which I only received a nod from the man in front of me.

"So for what I was here for" he slightly extends his arm hand forward.The band started up again playing one of the many songs I had fallen in love with "May I have this dance?" He looked at me, I don't know if it was him or if it was the song or the atmosphere or everything at that matter, that made him seem enchanting.

"Yes, it would be my pleasure" I gave a small smile putting my hand in his. It was warm, kind of rough, like the one of a person who worked with tools regularly, but they were also soft. A weird combination, but a very comforting one. His hands were bigger than mine, then again my hands were just a portion bigger than Tubbo's. 

We headed down the stairs. (Not that anybody aksed but there what I envisioned the ballroom to be while writing this, diff rent colors and y/n quackmister and big law were in the tall overhead part, underneath them is the band and another part of the dance floor)

 (Not that anybody aksed but there what I envisioned the ballroom to be while writing this, diff rent colors and y/n quackmister and big law were in the tall overhead part, underneath them is the band and another part of the dance floor)

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The crowds heads turned towards Techno and I, soft whispering  could be heard but it didn't displease me as much as I thought it would. I was more worried about the man who's had held mine. He didn't seem as nervous, he had an aura that was nearly impossible to read. We got to the dance floor when I realized this guy may not even know proper dance etiquette. He supn me around softly placing me in front of him. He gave a proper bow and I returned with a slight curtsy. This is when I knew he did know how to ballroom dance, and all I had to do was to go with the flow of the song

The violinists joins in and I Step closer to him in position start the dance.

"Hopefully you don't screw this up" I jokingly whispered to him

"What do you mean hopefully, I know how to dance"

"Tough crowd tonight huh?" 

"The crowd looks incredibly weak and fine"

"Its a form of saying mr. technical" 

"Its Technoblade"

"Yeah but you act to technical so that's your nickname for the night" I smiled and I swear I got one back. He was an interesting person, one that a person wouldn't expect to dance. 

~°•.Techno's pov.•°~

She seemed so flawless? To be the daughter of a tyrant , she seemed so unlike him. The way her hair slightly  swayed with her movements, the way she gave off a perfectly happy persona. Like if nothing her her, not a single struggle in the world. The music continued and so did our dance. People from the crowd joined in dancing around the both of us. I'd it weren't for Philza and that stupid plan of his, she would be the perfect person for me

♦×♦ y/n's pov ♦×♦

It all seemed so perfect. His arms around me and mine around his. If it weren't for Wilbur I would choose him as a suitor. Then again didn't have to chose one tonight. We waltz around the portion we had open and it seemed so flawless, and he was an amazing dancer.

-♠ • ♠- Schlatt's pov - ♠ • ♠ - 

I was running late, for once I hadn't had a sip of liquor before a grand event. I knew I was late I just didn't know how late. I was talking with the event planner and before I knew it it was past time. I heard music from outside the doors and quickly hustled in.The guards bowed and I headed over to the overhead portion. Tubbo and Alex were there but no sight of y/n. I knew I was late, but she couldn't be aswell, espically to an event based around her

"Hey boys have you seen y/n" I ask the bother of them who were leaning on the railing looking at Something on the dance floor

"Yeah over there," Alex pointed to two people on the floor, Y/n and what I could only think was a suitor "She actually looks like she's having a good time" she did look like she was having  fun and all, but why a gown that color?


As you can see I didn't know how to end this chapter 🤠 ANYWAY yeah I got a new headder and ending thing "|♥°•.×.•°♥|" and I kinda like it ANYWAYS go drink some water have a nice meal and do some self care💚 love you muah


I'm aware all my handles go by 'Va1' or 'Val' but I would like it if I was called 'V' then again what's easiest to remember for you

Aphrodite: Goddess of love •||• Technoblade x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now