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The encounter  with, what was his name again? Technology, no. Technoblade, yeah I think that was it, Techno. He seemed so, what's the word. The type to be full of himself but respect other as well. Something about him was just alluring.  He was quite the persona, at least he seemed like it. It was a short and weird introduction,but a lasting one. I continued walking down the way I was originally walking, Techno still lingering my mind.

'What was he here for?', 'Is he a suitor?', 'What intentions does he have?' thoughts like these ran through my head. I eventually reached a destination, not exactly where I wanted to go, otherwise I would have gone to the library. I knocked on the door to make sure nobody was occupying the room. I was quite certain nobody was until I heard a response from the other side

"Who is it?"The voice was male, and had an accent. A British accent. 

"Sorry my bad I thought the room was empty" The door had now opened and in front of me stood yet another man. He was tall, like very tall. He had wavy yet puffy brown hair, soft brown eyes and a smile that could light up a room

"Oh no problem miss," he drifted off letting me know it was my turn to speak

"Y/n, Schlatt"

"Oh the princess, my bad" he gave a polite bow that earned a laugh from me "did I do something wrong" the man questioned looking at me and lifting his head back up

"Not at all, it's just I'm not one of formalities"I smiled "Y/n works just fine" The man made a small 'oh' sound as in agreement

"Well I find it only fair if I introduce myself" he extend his hand "Wilbur Soot, hopefully the chosen suitor" I took his hand in mine

"Suitor huh. I wish you the best of luck"

"Well that's up to you isn't it"

"I guess so" he seemed like such a cheery person.

"Anyway" he said changing the conversation "what is the princess doing roaming the castle alone, shouldn't she be in business meetings surrounded by important people"

"The king believes that a princess shouldn't do such things since it not lady like. Only men do that according to him."

"I call bullshit, the king has no idea what the princess is capable of, just don't tell him I said that. I value my life" he laughed at his statement and I gave it a soft chuckle 

"What does Wilbur Soot know about the princess to make that statement"

"That book in you hands. Not many girls have the gut or will to read The Odyssey"

"Great observation sir." I smiled letting him know I was now more comfortable with his presence.

"Why thank you. You know my brother used to read that book all the time. Hopefully you'll meet him tonight, he is another suitor after all."

"Hopefully I will, only my dad knows how many will arrive tonight."

"Trust me he'll sick out, not everyday a pink haired, cape wearing man roams around"

"Wasn't he just roaming  around a while ago"

"He was now?"

"Yeah I had a bump in with him, he seems like a pretty decent person"

"Hm, well alright then, that" he seemed to choose his words carefully as if he were to accidently spill vital information "that's nice,good to know." Just as I was bout to say another thing I heard a familiar hell from down the hall

"Y/N WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU" I could depict the raging Mexicans voice any day.

"Excuse me Wilbur, sorry about the yelling but uh, by the looks of it I'm going to have to go, but I'll see you tonight at the ball right"

"You can count on it" He gave me a last bow "Untill then"

"No need to bow," I said laughing "but it'll be good to see a fimilar face. Bye now" I ran off to find Alex. Knowing him he'd probably  tease me and bombard me with questions if he had found out I had met two suitors.

"Y/n for fucks sake there you are."

"Happy to see me I see"

"Not really, just had to make sure you didn't die" I softly punched his arm not actually wanting to hurt him "Hey that's kind of rude, I'm making  Tubbo sue you"

"Yeah yeah whatever, where is Tubbo anyway?"

"Upstairs, wsiting for you. Where were you anyway?"

"Just walking around trying to make myself busy"

"Hm, fair enough" we continued talking making our way upstairs. I was starting to look forward for tonight. Maybe a suitor won't be so bad, after all Wilbur did seem like a great person.



Some things, angst between family, will be explained next chapter also probably going up today. So next chapter will be about Techno, Wilbur, and Philza exposing a lot of lore. Also sorry about the akward interaction with Wilbur and y/n I didn't know how to make it work soooo YEAH

other less important news I HAVE A DISCORD WOOO not the absolute best news but updates on book will be revealed there alongside with sneak peacks into the next chapter SO YEAH link will b in comments for those interested in joining


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