50 - A Ram and Bird

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Edited by: DysphoricLuna

Big thank you to them for putting tw's beforehand <3

Beginning and end marked

TW❗: talk of excessive use of alcohol and alcoholism related topics. 


Not so long ago, about 20 years or so, a man with beautiful black wings and another with horns of a ram were the best of friends. Known as the unstoppable duo. Attached at the hip and presumed best friends forever.

As little kids they stood up for one another, cleaned each other's cuts from fighting off the bad and making peace in the good. It was notorious to see one of them alone. Usually where one was the other was never far behind.

One going by his last name Schlatt, was the bolder of the two. Always speaking his mind and knowing his way with words. He walked with his head up high ram horns glistening in any light proud of who he was

And the other known as Phil is always sticking up for what's right and thinking with intellect. Always being the kinder of the two and still somehow rough. He wasn't afraid to throw a punch or two when necessary, but he always thought before he spoke.

How the duo was so alike yet different in their own way. At a young age they played in the sand causing their own destruction and chaos on the sandbox. And eventually they grew, just like every kid does.

Schlatt was known as being flirtatious in his teen years. With his good looks and wit he really was one with the ladies and fellas.

Phil, on the other hand, was also one to be hit on by girls, but he just passed instead of ever meeting anybody. He and Schlatt laughed about it and how they were both so opposite.

That was until Schlatt met her. The mother of his children.

He was in his mid twenties when he had his oldest daughter y/n, but for reasons He and her mother split up respectfully for the sake of a falling out of love.

Phil, being an uncle figure, who took care of y/n when schlatt needed to work to keep him and his daughter alive. Phil tended to his farm back at his house and took care of y/n alongside his two sons. Will, his son by blood, and Techno his son by adoption. And while the three played in the field doing whatever they pleased, going on their own adventures, Phil just laughed and remembered his youth with his closest friend.

Everything was swell. The dads raising their kids together and living happily and with the kids playing on their own.

❗TW- mentions of alcohol and fighting starts here. Skip if needed.❗

But at y/n's young age his alcoholism started to develop. And the issues began.

Yelling, fighting and everything in between. It was a nasty fall out and nobody really knows who left first, all that is known is that someone left and that was that. 

Schlatt had no clue what he was doing, but now he was homeless and a single father. He returned with the mother of his first born and rekindled a small spark that burnt out quickly. But it lasted long enough to make him a father of two. 

By this time he tried talking to Phill and try to fix the broken friendship, but only made things worse than it already was. With that the mother of his kids had to leave once again. She left him her house and other things, but he rejected it not wanting to admit defeat.

His drinking got worse.

He knew he couldn't deal with everything at the moment, so he did what he felt he had to do. 

He wrote the final letter, tears streaming down his face with the little basket in his hand. Never had a walk hurt him so much until now.

He bent down and kissed his child's forehead adjusting the letter he wrote to his ex comrade. He wished his farewells to Tubbo, his youngest son, and left.

How his heart hurt and how he cried that night, but he knew if he kept his son, he would have just given all three of them a miserable life. So he left him with the person he trusted most.

Years after raising his daughter and keeping her away from harm and other issues such as horrible people such as himself and trying his best to be as present as possible, he just couldn't do it. He wanted his son there. He would never forgive himself for never being the present father he was supposed to be.

He eventually made it to be the king's second hand, and after his death, he took over the throne since there was no family to take over for him.

Y/n grew up in a lavish life she came to hate, and he didn't know where Tubbo was.

He just drank.

Drank his sorrows away about his son.

Drank his sorrows away for his sad daughter.

Drank his sorrows away for his old friend.

Drank his sorrows away for being a bad father.

Drank his sorrows for being a bad person.

❗TW over❗

He was ashamed of what he became and never wanted to show his face in public. Especially to his daughter.

He didn't let her in meetings because he knew he was too drunk to face her.

He was absent in her life because he was too disappointed with what he became.

He pushed all these strict lady like images on her hoping, wishing she would never fall for any fool that acted like him.

And now we stand here. In present time. Looking at the town and its main people. The princess is happy and in love with the person who is unexpectedly gonna bring her demise. Memories of the two now faded to a blur.

His youngest son now talking with his father unknowingly, while he tries his best to finally become the parent he dreamed to be.

And the two friends now reminded of the others presence.

We stand in this land of many stories filled of sorrow and hatred 

But we must remember that deep down. There was happiness and joyous times. You just have to dig a little to find it.


This one hurt to write.

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