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Edited by: DysphoricLuna


As soon as Alex and I stepped foot in the castle, the guards had alerted us that Schlatt, my father, was waiting for us in his study. Both confused, made it up to his study while still chatting.

"So what's up with you being so absent recently?" Alex asked

"I dunno, just nerves I guess." I respond back

"Ah, well I'm not gonna tell you to calm down because 9 out of 10 times that does nothing." he said slinging an arm toy side bringing me into a side hug. "I'm open to talk and cry with you whenever you want. You know I always got your back." He said with his iconic soft smile that would always make me melt.

"Thanks Alex, you truly can be really nice sometimes," I said.

"Sometimes?!" And there goes the moment. "Chinga tu madre cabrona." He said, playfully shoving me. I just laughed and pushed him back.

We laughed our way along bickering back and forth and eventually made it to dad's office. Not that it was far, it was the stairs and corridors that made it seem as if it were.

We looked at the door and got a 'come in' from Schlatt. We walked in and were met with two rams, a pig and three smiles.

"Techno! Tubbo!" I went to hug my younger brother. "What are you guys doing here?" I looked at Alex and Techno.

One irked and the other smug that the other was irked.

Take a guess which is which.

"Well Y/n" Schlatt's voice called my attention back to him. "Techno wanted to come see me and talk to me about a few things." He said a smile and happiness present in his tone.

"Is that so?" I looked over at techno who now had a smile plastered over his face.

"I guess you could say that.' He shrugged and picked himself up. "Mr. Schlatt, I apologize but I'll see myself out. I'm going to take Y/n with me, but we'll just be in the garden."

"By all means, if she is alright with it that is." The attention was back to me, Techno now making his way towards the door.

"I'll see you in a bit Tubbo'' I said, giving him a quick hug and nodding to my dad. Right before leaving i whispered a quick 'dont worry" to Alex before slipping out the door with Techno hand in hand.

I kept looking at him, still noticing that smile.

Now I'm going to be real. With all that was said and the atmosphere of the room, it seems like a proposal. And I do love techno don't get me wrong. But it was just way too early.

We silently made our way to the garden and that's when techno broke the silence.

"You know y/n?" He took both my hands in his, making me face him. "You helped me learn some people are worth smiling for. Some people are worth rule breaking and taking risks for." He said, his smile now as bright as the sun on a hot summer evening.

"And more than ever right now I wanted to take a risk." He stared deeply into my soul as if he could read my every thought.

"Your the strongest girl I've met and I know you don't need a man, or me in general, but that's what I like about you. Your so independant and never afraid to speak your mind."

He got on one knee and I panicked. I loved him but this was way too soon. (Yeah chill smh)

"I know right now is not the time for our wedding, so I give you this promise ring to show you I will forever be here by your side. that i will never fail to help you when you most need it. And I'll promise to show you, when our time comes, I will be on my knees again."

A promise ring.

A simple promise ring.

How much meaning it had behind it.

How much care the holder had.

I looked down at techno. Tears blurring my vision. I entered scared afraid of one thing, but here I am now looking forward to that fear.

It was hard to speak through the growing lump in my throat but I vigorously nodded my head. Techno ecstatic as ever shot up and hugged me wiping my tears once he pulled away. He looked at me with pure joy. The one of a little kid's on christmas day.

He slipped the ring on my finger before pulling me into a soft yet electric kiss. And if it weren't for it ending I wouldn't have heard Tubbo's cheering from the balcony. (Goddammit child)

This moment is one I would hate to forget. Wrapped in my prince's arms bathing on the suns golden light i was making yet another memory i would cherish forever.

\?-¿/ pov

Was he being forced onto this? Or was he actually listening to dad? I looked at my notes and bulletin in my treehouse. "Somethings not adding up." I said looking at my notes again. Did Will and Tubbo know? If they did know, were they on board too? Who was to trust? Why is this even happening?

I looked back and forth. Notes

Bullition. Notes. Builliton. Notes. Bullition. Notes. Bullition. I felt like I was going mad. How would I even help y/n? Would she even believe me? I put my evidence sms all away, not wanting to be the hero just yet.

But you will help her Tommy.

I will be the hero.


Me, knowing what's coming soon: *fucking sobs*

Anyway children, don't forget to commit self care yeah? I love y'all but I won't hesitate to fight you if you don't.

Take care!

- your favourite crackhead, Luna♡

Im so sorry beforehand about alp the stuff thats gonna come up

But yk what its ok. We get a happy ending soon. Just not soon enough.

Anyway ily all please get the good healthy stuff and exist in peace. Bo crimes untill monday.

Stay safe and cool

Con mucho amor

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