Shinso x Class 1B!Reader

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By the way the beginning takes place when Shinso is in middle school, otherwise known as Nabu Middle School.

It was supposed to be a normal day for Shinso, getting bullied, and named called. But this time someone stood up for him...

He was getting picked on by the two biggest bullies in his class, whose names he had forgotten.

They had pushed him down, in the middle of the school hallway, filled with kids, and were about to land a punch when some soft music filled the room, everyone froze. Suddenly the prettiest girl in the world came into view. She had a ribbon in one hand and was dancing ballet towards the 2 bullies. Everyone seemed to be in a trance, everyone was so mesmerized by the girl and her dancing that no one was moving, not even breathing! 

Once she reached the two bullies she wrapped the ribbon around them and pushed them to the ground, they didn't even react. If somebody else had done that, they would be dead.

The music had slowed down and soon came to an end. Everyone released a breath they didn't know they were keeping. They broke out of the trance, the mysterious girl helped Shinso up and the two bullies were trying to get out of the string... it was a string, like the ones you can break out easily...

Once she helped Shinso up she grabbed his hand and headed towards the roof.

Once they arrived they sat down on the ground and Shinso asked, "I've never seen you before. Are you new?"

In an emotionless voice she said, "Yes, my name is (F/N) (L/N)."

He was surprised by her voice's emotionlessness, but when he saw her eyes he saw how grey they were, almost like they had all their color drained out. Honestly, it kinda scared him, "D-did someone tour you?" 

"Well, they started to but then they heard the bell they rushed to the hallway, he only showed me the roof and I followed him and saw that..."

"If you don't mind me asking, what is your quirk?"

"Oh, I have these tiny speakers in my fingertips, they only appear when I activate my quirk. But there is a side effect, it needs dancing to work so I need to dance, and a side-effect to that is that it makes my dancing mesmerizing, and fascinating, and a side effect to that is that it is still is mesmerizing even when I don't have my quirk on."

"That's a powerful quirk! You should go to UA!" Shinso said a bit jealous.

"Hmm, can you tell me yours?"

"I can control someone's mind once they've replied directly to me,"

"That's so cool. You should go to UA too. I think you'd make the hero course."

"You really think so?" Shinso asked.

"Yep, if they're not too shitty to not let you in."

"What do you mean?"

"Your quirk is seen as villainous, though they are completely wrong, there are powerful people who would believe your quirk is villainous and would not let you in. For example All Might, he didn't want to shake hands with a kid with a villainous quirk."

"How do you know that?"

"The kid was my dad. And my mom's quirk didn't work well on robots so she didn't make it into UA."

"Wait there are robots!"

"Yeah," she said emotionlessly.

"Don't get me wrong but it doesn't seem like your quirk works good on robots either."

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