Villain!Izuku x Reader

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"IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" the man screamed.

"My fault?!? Totally, it's my fault I'm getting kidnaped every week!" (Y/N), his girlfriend, responded sarcastically.


"Yeah! With the money that I make! Do you not realize how dumb your theory is? Or did you bump your head on a rock and lose a couple hundred brain cells?" she retorted.


"Now I'm starting to think you did lose a couple hundred brain cells. If we break up, you get kicked out, with nothing. Not even your phone, because I paid for it. I don't think your greedy ass would like that. But, okay. We are breaking up and I'm kicking you out."

"Wha– I-I don't mean–"

"Oh shut up, and get out," she pointed to the door and pushed him outside when he didn't go.

After an hour of trying to calm down, she decided to go on a walk.

She walked through the dark night of her city, silently, enjoying the darkness. Most people were scared of the dark, not her. She loved the darkness.

She got her phone and texted her older siblings that she had broken up with her boyfriend, she put her phone back into her pocket, not bothering to wait for her siblings to answer.

And even though (Y/N) was 15, almost 16, she used to live with her boyfriend. She had paid for everything and made all the money. She did all this because she couldn't stand another second in the house she shared with her siblings and dad. Their mom was at a mental hospital.

Her mind wandered from place to place, story to story, joke to joke. She shouldn't be outside at such a late time, because she got kidnapped a lot. It's all your fault, you're too beautiful'  her, now ex-boyfriend always said. 

Speaking about getting kidnapped, in front of her, stood a dark green cat, with electrifying green eyes. It reminded herself of someone like she had met them once, but she couldn't remember meeting a green cat.

"Kitty?" she asked, "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Do you want me to take you home?"

The cat looked at her, then behind her, and did something similar to a smile.

"You'd look beautiful in blood!" (Y/N) heard a voice say before something hit her head, making her faint.


(Y/N) woke up in a dark room, with chains tied around her hands. She'd woken up like this far too many times, that this uncomfortable position became comfortable.

"Hello~?" she called.

The door opened and 4 people came through. Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga and Izuku.

Dabi recognized her and was only there to intervene whenever something happened.

Toga only wanted to see her in blood.

Shigaraki, well, he felt a strange need to be there.

And Izuku? He was the one who planned the kidnap with Toga. He felt a strange attraction to the (H/C) haired female.

"Hmm, you four look familiar..." she thought. "Oh! The blond-haired girl and the Dabi attacked at the training camp! And the bluenette is the one who got conducted the U.S.J. Attack. But I don't know about the greenette..." she studied Izuku's face, and when she made eye contact, "Oh! You're that cat that I saw earlier!"

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