I don't know what ship this is 😒

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It was (Y/N)'s first day at UA, School for supernaturals. Every supernatural went there.

She walked up to the doors quietly, not making a sound. She was a dark fairy, one of the more 'superior' creatures.

Just as she was about to walk in, she tripped.

She shut her eyes in panic and waited for the impact.

But it never came...

She opened her eyes in surprise and noticed there was a brown-haired girl.

(Y/N) looked around her and noticed she was FLYING!

She looked at the brown-haired girl, "Did you do that?"

"Yes, I'm a witch."

(Y/N) flashed the witch a blinding smile.

'Her smile is brighter than Deku's!' the witch thought with a slight blush.

Witches have little pieces of paper, that have a certain symbol. If someone sticks a silencing paper on you, you can't talk until someone takes the paper off, and you can't take it off either.

"Do you mind if I borrow a few spells?" (Y/N) asked.

"Not at all," the witch handed her a silencing, sleep, and a spell that makes the person under the spell unable to move their limbs.

"I'm (Y/N) (L/N), you?"

"Ochaco Uraraka. Are you new? I've never seen you before."

"Yeah, I'm new. Can you show me around?" (Y/N) asked hopefully.

"Of course!" Uraraka responded, "It's almost lunchtime."

(Just roll with it for the sake of the story)


"–And that's the cafeteria!" Uraraka pointed to the cafeteria while dragging (Y/N) inside with her.

"Who's this?" (Y/N) heard a male voice say.

Uraraka and (Y/N) turned around and came face to face with a... ghost?

"Ah! Deku! This is (Y/N)-kun!" Uraraka said happily.

"Nice to meet you, (Y/N). I'm Izuku Midoriya but most people call me Deku."

"Nice to meet you too," she smiled, "Izuku," she added.

Izuku's face flushed at the thought of someone finally talking to him by his first name, as they made their way to a table.

Soon, (Y/N) was introduced to everyone in the Dekusquad.

"What creature are you, kero?" Tsu asked.

"I'm a dark fair– AH!"

Someone had picked (Y/N) into the air. (Y/N) was struggling, but then she noticed the scarred arms that held her... "DABIIIII!"

Dabi laughed, "How is my little fairy doing?"

"Great until you came," (Y/N) said sarcastically, "Now put me down!"


(Y/N) pouted as Dabi made his way to his table.

"Who's this!?!" a blond vampire asked.

"(Y/N)–" (Y/N) began but Dabi cut her off.

"(Y/N) (L/N))."

"Is she special?" a blue-haired male asked.

"What makes you think that?" Dabi asked as he sat down with (Y/N).

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