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So this is what I was talking about in 'I have an Idea' you will understand what I mean once you start reading but these are the contestants:

- Draco Malfoy

- Bakugo Katsuki

- Luna Lovegood

- Gowther

- Cat noir

- Levi Ackerman

- Dabi

-  Zenitsu Agatsuma

- Athene Hyacinthius a.k.a me because I would most likely love you

"Y/N go to bed!" your parents called from [where ever your parents usually are].

You sighed, you wanted to continue reading stories, but you knew you'd hate yourself in the morning if you stay awake any longer.

You trudged on your way to the bathroom to brush your teeth. After brushing your teeth you changed into your pajamas and laid on your bed, you had a tendency to continue reading but you held it back.

Slowly, very slowly, you slipped out of consciousness. I was the first to come into your room, I sat on a stool I had conjured and waited for the others while watching you.

"You watching her sleep like a creep?" came a gruff voice from my right, and there I saw the one and only Katsuki Bakugo.

"Hello to you too, Kat," I welcomed, not taking my eyes off you.

"Why are you always first?" he growled sitting on the floor next to my stool.

"Because I care the most," I teased.

"Not true! I care the most," came Draco Malfoy from the Vanishing Cabinet, "And good day, Athene."

"What about me?" Katsuki demanded.

"I thought I heard a fly, but I guess it was just a nuisance," Draco teased him.

"Calm down, Dray, you don't want him to explode you," I joked... well, half-joked.

"I believe I saw a nargle fly in here," Luna said as she walked trough the Vanishing Cabinet seconds after Draco sat down on my stool's other side.

"Hello Luna," I welcomed warmly, taking my eyes off your sleeping figure for a second.

"Why doesn't she have an annoying nickname?!" Katsuki asked.

"Because she's my favorite... and Dray doesn't seem to mind the nicknames," I pointed out.

"I don't mind them."

"Even when she calls you 'baby'?" Katsuki asked, raising an eyebrow.

"She doesn't mean it in a romantic way... right?" he asked uncertainly, looking at me.

"Of course not, you baby," I rolled my eyes.

Luna sat and we looked in silence as you slept, peacefully.

After a flashing bright pink light, a voice came, "The Seven Deadly Sins' Goat's Sin, Gowther, has arrived!" he said flashing his pose.

"Just sit your ass down," Katsuki grumbled, annoyed.

A flash of lighting and Denki suddenly appeared. He saw us all, huddled by your bed, "They can't see or hear us right?"

"Of course not. If they did they would have been up by now."

Denki opened his mouth but I moved my hand and he flew next to Katsuki and sat.

"Can I—" Denki started.

"No," Katsuki cut in.

"Kat," I warned, "Shush. Yes, Zappy?"

"Can I have a hamburger?"

"Sure," I moved my hand once more and a hamburger appeared in his hand, "Just try not to get any on the floor."

"CATACLYSM!" came a loud voice and the wall disappeared. Out came Cat Noir, I sighed, moved my hand for the third time already, and fixed the wall.

"Your lucky I have magic or you would have been six feet under," I growled.

"Oh come on, princess," he said, getting on one knee, he put his hand out, expecting me to let him kiss my hand.

"I told you kitty, I'm not interested in boys, I like girls. And last time I checked you're a boy... though it would be funny if..." I waved my hand for hopefully the last time and Cat Noir's butt grew, his chest area too, and his hair grew longer.

Everyone laughed but he... or she... was rocking it.

"Now will you accept?" she asked hopefully.

"Sorry, you know I'm—"

"If you're going to say your monogamy," Katsuki warned, "Save it, we all know your polyamory. So don't try."

"Okay, fine you got me. But kitty, you wouldn't spend your whole life as a girl for me," and very quietly you whispered, "And plus... you're not even real... you don't exist outside my magic. Only Y/N exists."

"Yes, sorry, I wouldn't stay a girl my whole life," he admitted as he sat next to Gowther and I reversed the spell.

"This room is so clean," Levi said sarcastically, making his appearance known from behind.

"Oh shut up, shorty," I laughed, "I recommend moving aside, Dabi usually comes at this time and—" I had been too late. Some blue fire exploded in the room and the smoking hot boy came out.

"Hello, dollface."

"I hope you mean Y/N," I grumbled, "I called you guys here for her not me."

"We know," they all chorused as Dabi sat next to Cat Noir.

"And now all we wait for is Zenits—"

"AAHHHHH!" Zenitsu Agatsuma screamed.

"Oh STFU, you extra."

Zenitsu sat next to Denki, and we all sat, in silence, as you slept.

For hours we stayed, before one by one we had to leave, I was last, I slowly, yet surely, gathered my magic to make a portal. But as I left, I saw the small smile you had on.

And as I passed trough the portal, I realized, you had never been asleep...

I think this sucks, but if you like it then your welcome.

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