Aizawa x Pro-hero!Reader

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(Y/N) was a girl everyone liked, she was that type of person that made everyone's good side show, it even works on Endeavor. Her boyfriend however, everyone hated him. He was a douchebag and an idiot. He treated (Y/N) as if she was an object. Hiroto was his name. The day things ended was the day of the hero gala.

"Aren't you excited?!?" (Y/N) bounced in happiness.

"Hmph," her douchebag of a boyfriend complained, "they didn't even send me an invitation. I'm only coming as your plus-one."

"And?" (Y/N) said, not really getting the hint.

"Out of the two of us, they should've invited me. You would've been lucky to come as my plus-one."

(While I wrote that, I just heard Bakugo saying 'These guys'll be lucky to end up as sidekicks to some busted D-lister' and now I can't get it out my head T_T)

(Y/N) acted like she didn't hear what he said.

"Do you wanna get the dress with me? We need to wear matching colors," she explained.

"Just wear red," he said grumpily, "because red is the color of men."

'I thought red was the color of love and blood?' (Y/N) thought.

(Y/N) happily skipped to the door, as she put her shoes on, her lovely boyfriend called, "YOU FORGOT TO MAKE ME BREAKFAST!"

But (Y/N)  was already out the door.


Some of the students from Class 1A were there. They greeted her with enthusiasm.

"BABE!" Mina called when she saw (Y/N). She ran towards her and gave her a warm hug.

"What is this pink thing?" Hiroto asked rudely.

"That's Mina. She's from Class 1A. She calls everyone 'Babe'," (Y/N) quickly added so he wouldn't misunderstand.

Just as promised, (Y/N) wore a red dress.

"Miss (Y/N)! You look wonderful."

"Thank you Momo, as do you. I wonder, is Todoroki your date?" (Y/N) asked mischievously.

Momo's face turned bright pink. Which (Y/N) took as a yes.

"And Ochaco! So lovely to see you! Is Izuku your date or is it Katsuki, what am I thinking about?" she asked herself, "It's Tenya isn't it?"

"Tenya," Ochaco muttered with a red face.

Hiroto had gotten bored, and walked away.

"And Izuku asked Katsuki, am I right?"


"You are a true matchmaker, miss (Y/N)," a purple-haired male said. They turned and saw Shinso.

"Hitoshi! Let me guess, you came with Mei?"

"Miss (Y/N)! It's so nice to see you!" the salmon pink-haired girl exclaimed, "And you look wonderful!"

"Have you exploded anything recently?" (Y/N) asked.

"Yes! And I made a baby to get rid of douchebag boyfriends!"

After a bit of talk, (Y/N) excused herself. As she made her way to her boyfriend, she passed Izuku and Katsuki.

"Congratulations and good luck, you two. And Katsuki if you dare hurt my cinnamon roll I will blow your ass to Jupiter."

(Y/N)'s quirk was a very powerful element quirk, as to why she was the number 2 hero. She could use wind the best.

Katsuki nodded, (Y/N) was probably one of the few people who Katsuki saw as an equal. She was, in a way, his best friend.

When she reached her boyfriend, she talked with him. Though he didn't look that interested in her and was looking at another girl who was dancing.


"I feel so sorry for (Y/N),"  Mirko said in sorrow to Hawks.

"Yeah, he doesn't deserve her, at all," the winged hero exclaimed.

"Even Endeavor deserves her more than him," Mirko said.

And after a tiny bit of silence, "I'm going to go talk to them," Mirko said, making her way to the couple.

"Hello, Rumi– Oh, sorry, Mirko!" (Y/N) greeted.

"Hello (Y/N)," Mirko greeted, "Are you two still dating?"

(Y/N) was taken aback by the question, she looked at Hiroto then responded, "Yes, we are."

"F-R-I-E-N-D-S," Hiroto spelled out, "Get that shit inside your head."

(Y/N) raised a brow, and Aizawa who had been listening, came and asked, "Good evening, (Y/N), would you like to dance."

"Good evening Eraserhead, and yes I would love to dance."

(I got this idea off a tik tok)

"I-I was joking, I-I didn't mean–" Hiroto stuttered.

(Y/N) looked at him, her eyes showed no remorse, "We're just friends."

"Man, you fricked up big time," Mirko said.

"I know."

717 words, see you next time!

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