Dabi x Reader || Angst

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(Himiko is very OOC)

Y/N was in her kitchen, cooking [favorite-food] when she heard a loud noise come from her door.

"Dabi?" she called, dusting off her hands and looking in the hallway, "Please don't tell me that's you, I was just about to eat—" she got cut off by a cloth around her nose and mouth.

'It smells sweet so it's chloroform, definitely not Dabi, he would have just choked me,' she thought as she passed out.


"Ey, wake up," Y/N heard someone say as they poked her cheek.

"Oi," she muttered, still sleepy, "I was having the best sleep I've had in a while."

"You slept for an hour..."

"Exactly," she said, opening her eyes.

She looked around and saw the League of Villains.

(Here Dabi didn't want to join)

"Why am I here?" Y/N asked confused, "You are all villains by the looks of it."

"We need Dabi to join the team," a blue-haired boy said, "And you're the bait."


Y/N burst out laughing. She laughed so loud the room shook, her legs and hands shaking at the amount of ridiculousness.

"What are you laughing for?!" the bluenette screamed.

"You—" she took a deep breath, "You expect Dabi? Dabi?! To come to this shitty place?! To save me?!" she continued laughing.

It was just so hilarious.

"B-But aren't you dating him?" Himiko asked confused.

"I'm not dating him!" she laughed, tears forming in her eyes, "I'm just a hopeless fling he's going to throw away once he's done with me!" she said, smiling maniacally through her tears. "He knew I loved him and used me to his advantage!

The league stared at the girl, who with tears in her eyes laughed like a psycho.

"I'm just a quirkless useless piece of SHIT!" she said, laughing as she self-deprecated herself. "Just a quirkless piece of shit meant to be used then thrown away! I hold no value! If I were to jump off a building in front of him he couldn't care less!"

"But you're perfect," Mr. Compress said, confused, "Anyone would want you as their consort."

"You think I'm perfect?! I've killed more people than I can count because it's fun!" she laughed, "Unlike Dabi, he only kills the ones that deserve it. Should've killed me a long time ago," she muttered.

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