Toga x Reader

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'Why the f*ck did I say that?!' you thought to yourself. It was so stupid of you to be so mean to Toga! All she ever wanted was to be your friend, yet you push her away repeatedly. And all of this because you can't handle your feelings. You knew it is wrong but you couldn't help it.

You heard a knock on your door, "Miss L/N, it's time for dinner, I know you were crying last night and this morning so I was wondering if you wanted to come to the kitchen or you wanted me to bring the food to you," Kurogiri's voice came.

"Is it okay if you bring the food here?" you asked, your voice breaking as you hadn't talked for a while.

"Of course, miss L/N," and an instant his foggy face appeared as he opened the door and handed you your plate of food.

You ate in silence and after eating the plate of food you decided to take the plate downstairs so you could at least save Kurogiri the trouble of having to go all the way to your room to get a plate then back. Even if he could go by his warp gate.

As you entered the living room all eyes went to you.


"You look like you've been crying for a long time," Spinner remarked.

"Oh really?" you asked sarcastically, as you put your plate in the sink.

"It does, princess," Dabi confirmed, "What happened to make you cry?"

"Oh shut it," you said, sitting on one of the bar stools looking at Dabi.

"Family problems?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You know they are dead," you responded curtly.

"Y/N, on this topic," Mr. Compress started, "What made you become a villain?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Well, as you've just said you're family is dead, and most of the league are villains because of something starting with family problems," Mr. Compress said.

"My family's death made me like this. They were the most loving family I could hope for and then they got killed. I swore to get revenge on the person, and in a frenzy I killed them. And I think as you all know, once you kill it becomes an obsession," you finished as you turned to Kurogiri and requested an alcoholic drink.

"Miss L/N, your 17. In Japan laws you cannot drink until your 20," Kurogiri said, refusing to get you the drink you requested.

"Oh come on! Shigaraki can have—"

"Shigaraki is 20."

"Wait, crusty is an adult?!" you exclaimed surprised, looking at the blue-haired man.

"Yes, you idiot, I'm an adult," he grumbled making everyone laugh quietly.

"But can I please have a drink?" you begged.

Before Kurogiri could protest once again, the door opened revealing a panicked Twice and... a baby Toga? She looked like Toga, though younger, and tinier, like a toddler maybe around 4 years old maybe 3?

She looked so scared, looking left and right, but when she saw you she ran to you and latched herself to your leg.

"Y/N?" she asked, looking up at you, her voice quavering.


Tears started forming in her eyes, "I don't wanna be a loser."

Y/N stared at her for a moment, before getting the courage to speak, "Where'd you get the idea you're a loser?

"Because... you hate losers..."

You got off the chair and picked baby Toga into the air, fixing her onto your hip as you held her butt and back as to not fall. "Whoa whoa whoa, back up a minute. D'you know what a loser is?" you asked.

"N-not really," Toga stuttered, still crying slightly.

You started walking around the living room, mindlessly, everyone's eyes following you, "A real loser is someone so afraid of not winning, they don't even try." Toga nodded, and you continued, "Now you're trying, right? You're trying every day to be my friend, right?"


"Well then you're not a loser!" you exclaimed with a fake smile. Inside you felt sick, you had made this girl believe the worst things about herself, and you were going to fix it.

"I-I am not a loser?" she asked, looking at you as she wiped her tears away.

"No, you are not a loser. And whoever says that we will send them to hell," you said, laughing. The League of Villains were entranced by your laugh, they had never heard you laugh and had never heard anything like it.

"Can Y/N sing me a song?" Toga asked, now calmer because of your reassurance.

You hesitated, you were very self-conscious about your voice and had never sung in front of someone, but you were going to do it for her, she who had her self-esteem plummet because of your stupidness, "Where the rising sun meets the ground~" you began having forgotten the league was there.

"There's a girl full of memory... Sleep, my darling, safe and sound~ For ask this girl, then all is found~" you slowly rocked Toga back and forth.

"In her mind, deep and true~ Lie the answers and a path for you," you gave her a close-eyed smile, "Dive down deep into her voice~ But not too far or you'll be drowned~" you saw Toga's eyes slowly get closed.

"Yes, she will sing to those who'll hear... And in her song, all magic flows," as you sang that line, streaks in your hair became a glowing teal, and your eyes and your sclera turned into the same glowing teal. "But can you brave what you most fear? Can you face what the girl knows?" the league looked in wonder as you, looking like a teal goddess, sang to a toddler.

"Where the rising sun meets the ground~ There's a girl full of memory~ Come, my darling, homeward bound... When all is lost, then all is found..."

You smiled fondly, as your hair went back to normal and the color in your eyes faded away, "C'mon sleeping beauty, let's go to bed," you carried the now sleeping Toga to your room and stayed there for a bit. Staying for an hour until you decided you should go down to find out what happened.

The League once again stared at you, "What?"

"We didn't expect you to be so good with children, no we did expect it!" Twice contradicted.

"Can you tell me why she's like this?" you asked Twice.

"We were in a fight and a new hero accidentally hit Toga and she turned into a baby.

"Y/N, do you care for Toga?" Dabi asked.

"Yes, why do you think I was always so mean to her?" you asked.

 "Cause you're a heartless villain," Shigaraki answered.

"No! It's because it's much easier to humiliate, degrade, and just generally shit all over someone than it is to admit that you love them!"

"You... love... Toga?"

1134 words

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