Reader x Jiro - Pirate AU/SongFic

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(Imagine you in this)

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(Imagine you in this)

"But Captain Bakugo isn't it common knowledge that a woman on board is bad because everyone would try to... uh... you know. The only reason Mina is on board is that we all knew her before and we wouldn't try to—" Kirishima got interrupted by Captain Katsuki Bakugo.

"F*ck her? Well, (Y/N) knows self-defense, and you before you would even have a chance she would kick you in the groin because she's—" he got interrupted by (Y/N).

"I'm gay. I don't like men that way."

Kaminari looked at Y/N, "Hey, didn't you work in that brothel across from the bar in Tortuga?" Kaminari asked.

"Yup, except that was the one where women came and usually men served, but I was there, and surprisingly, many women came to me. I was like a waitress that if you liked me enough you'd take me to the bed," she briefly explained.

"So you've....been with women, in bed?" Mina asked.

"I Know. Shocking isn't it? You see, sweetness, men are only good for one thing. Women are good for six."

"Six! Which six?" Mina asked bewildered.

"(Y/N), stop it. You're confusing her, and me," (Y/N) laughed at Bakugo's comment.

"Well, out of all of you, the pink-haired girl has the most chance to f*ck me but Bakugo promised me she was a respectful and consensual pirate so~"

Mina's cheeks blew up, but Kirishima quickly said that they should land port somewhere to distract any attention that was on her. Everybody agreed and they landed port.

"Can we land port on Sweet Cove?" Mina asked with puppy eyes, "And steal some rum and celebrate our newcomer?"

"Whatever," Bakugo rolled his eyes but took the helm from Sero and sailed to Sweet Cove.

Y/N was talking to Mina and Kirishima, Kaminari was entertaining the electric eels that were in abarrel, they had accidently scooped up the 2 eels when trying to get fish... somehow Kaminari convinced Bakugo to keep them, and Sero was keeping an eye on Kaminari.


Y/N and the crew were laughing and running from the screaming man.


Y/N cut him off, "Calm down Billy, it's only a few liters," she rolled her eyes as she ran some more.

They finally arrived at a beach after some time, they made a fire and started talking.

"Hey, Y/N," Mina got your attention, "everyone who has joined has had to say one of their best moments in life in a special way decided by the crew. Now you're theme is song form."

Bakugo whispered in Y/N's ear for a bit and Y/N nodded.

"Once there was a lady sailor sailing down the bay," you surprised everyone with your amazing voice. "And then one day that lady sailor realized she was gay... You see as she was sailin', she came upon an isle, there was the fairest lady she'd seen in quite a while," you smiled.

"Lady on the shore, capture my heart forevermore. Moonshine in a jar, your beauty is my guiding star. She sat upon the pearly water combing through her hair, the sailor stopped her ship to ponder is true love so fair?" everyone stared at you, entranced.

But as she ventured closer, she grew a little pale. For where the lady's legs should be instaed there was a tail," this drew a shock out of everyone, except for Bakugo.

"Lady on the shore, capture my heart forevermore. Moonshine in a jar, your beauty is my guiding star. The sailor turned to leave but to something she was drawn. The mermaid's voice had hooked her and they courted until dawn," you winked and their faces grew a bit pink as they realized what you were saying.

"Now as the moon sets nightly, you'll see them on that shore—"

"The sailor and her mermaid lover one forevermore," came a females voice, however it was not Y/N's.

The crew turned and saw a lady that almost matched Y/N in beauty, in the water with her feet sumerged "Hey, baby," Y/N greeted.

The lady moved up a bit, revealing her glistening tai— wait... TAIL?!

"Hello my dear pirate," she said towards Y/N.

"Wait, this is the lady you courted?" Kirishima asked.


Sorry it's short, 716 words.

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