Dabi x Reader

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"SHOOTOOOOOO!" Endeavor screamed coming into Class 1A.

"Endeavor, I advise you to get out of my classroom. You are disrupting the class," Aizawa said.

"She's kidnapped," Endeavor continued, ignoring Aizawa.

"Wait what?!?" Shoto asked, standing up from his seat, all the heads whipped to him.

"She got kidnapped by the LoV, we need to go save her."

"Who is 'she'?" Aizawa asked.

"(Y/N) (L/N)."

"Oh shit. Okay, do you need more people?" Aizawa asked.

"Yes," Shoto and Endeavor said at the same time.

"Class?" Aizawa asked.

"I'm in!" the Dekusquad called out.

"What are we doing?" Katsuki asked skeptically.

"Saving someone," Shoto responded.

"Will there be villains that we can fight?" Katsuki asked.


"I'm in."

"So are we," said the Bakusquad.


"Ah, you're awake," a random voice said in the darkroom.

But it was not just any random voice, you recognized it, "Hello Touya."

"How'd you know?" the black-haired 22-year-old man asked coming into view.

"You may have changed your appearance but not your voice or you're memories."

"I wish I could've changed them," Touya said.

"Even the ones with me?" you pouted.


"You suck," you said pouting.

His eyes widened, "No not like that! Just the ones with you hanging out with the others..."

"I know," you smiled victoriously.

He caught on, you just tricked him into revealing his jealousy, "You're awful."

"Do you mean the memories where I was hanging out with your siblings? Or when Fuyumi kissed me when we were playing truth or dare?" you innocently asked not fazed by his insult.

"You know what I mean."

"You mean that they all liked me?"

He looked away, jealous again, "Yes."

"Aww, it's not my fault they liked me. I just have an amazing personality," you joked.


Everyone knew that the heroes would be here. So there you were, ropes around your hands and legs while your neck was in Dabi's hand. You were sitting on the floor.

"Let her go!" Endeavor screamed as he and a few more of Shoto's classmates appeared they stared at you, probably associating you to the '(Y/N) (L/N)' they heard so much about. 

"Really?!? Endeavor?!? Is that who you had to send to get you?" he asked, tightening his grip on your neck.

"Aye, calm down, I don't get to decide who saves me when some random villains kidnap me and don't do it correctly."

"Fuck you."

"Pay me! Told me I was awful, and that shit did not phase me," you rolled your eyes. A very risky move for a person in the mercy of a ruthless killer thought the UA students.

"Tell me how I suck again, my memory is hazy,—" you rolled your eyes and he activated his quirk, "Look at me, you fucking shit."

His fire danced around you're skin. Did I mention your quirk? No? Oh, so your quirk basically is like All for One, but instead, you can sense what quirks other people have and your quirk provides you with a quirk the exact opposite to that or a better version of it if it doesn't have an opposite. So for example, if you were fighting Shoto you'd have half water and half fire. If you were fighting Izuku it'd provide you with an ultra-ultra version of One for All. In this situation, your quirk provided you with fireproof skin.

"Careful with that! You may burn my clothes then all these heroes will get the wrong thoughts," you said rolling your eyes.

"We can't have that, now can we."

"No, we can't," you said.

"Villain! Let her go!" Shoto yelled at Dabi.

His grip once again tightened on your neck to the point where you were choking, "Aye, dipshit, I... can't... breathe..." you whispered as your eyes slowly closed.

You woke up in a room, it wasn't yours, it was Dabi's. You looked on the other side of the bed and saw Dabi awake.

"Hey Dabi, what happened?"

"Oh, nothing too serious, just fought with the heroes and didn't let them get you. All For One has a quirk that can make one thing in anyone's memory disappear, so he erased the memory of how they figured where our base is and also the actual place of the base. Shoto was really eager to get you though," he said, jealous creeping inside his voice again.

"Don't worry you burnt toast, I don't love him, I love you— Ah shit I just said that," you remarked.

"You love me, baby girl?"

"Yes, hotstuff I said that," you said, accepting defeat. 

767 words, I think this is my favorite chapter!

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