Aizawa x Reader

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"Did you hear? We're going to have an assistant teacher!" Mina said to the Bakusquad.

"You sure, raccoon eyes?"

"101%! It's a girl, and she picked to be with Aizawa. She must not know who he is, or she wouldn't have picked him."

"Are you sure what you're hearing is correct?" Kirishima asked the excited girl.

"Oh my god, guys. Do you not trust me?"

"No," Bakugo stated.

"I feel bad for whoever's going to teach with Aizawa-sensei," Ochaco said to the Dekusquad who had heard what the Bakusquad was talking about.

All of a sudden the whole class heard a very loud voice, so loud it was louder than Present Mic's, "WAIT NO! I'M SORRY! PLEASE, SPARE ME! MERCY! PLEASE HAVE MERCY!"

"I-is it just me or does that sound like Aizawa-sens-sei?" Izuku stuttered, afraid, as it was so quiet the whole class heard him.

The whole class raced outside the classroom. And stared in shock at the scene in front of them.

There was a girl, sitting on Aizawa's back, as he laid on the floor with his face facing the ground.

"What are you sorry for?" the girl growled coldly.

"Eating your cookies," Aizawa whispered sheepishly, but just loud enough for Class 1A to hear.

The class stared in shock as the girl got off Aizawa with a sickening sweet smile.

But as he got up, he used his scarf to hold her tightly.

"Well, well, well, Shota, I must admit, you have been taking more advantage of times like this."

Aizawa smiled.

'Wait?!? AIZAWA-SENSEI SMILED?!?'  the class thought simultaneously.

"So? You aren't going to beg?" Aizawa asked.

"What is there to beg for?" the girl asked, simply.

Aizawa brought her closer, her still wrapped in the scarf, and kissed her. Then, after a few seconds, he pulled away, smirking.

"You can't just kiss me like that then pull away like it's nothing!" the girl complained.

"I can, I did," Aizawa said triumphantly.

"Umm, Sensei? Who is she?" Tsu asked.

Aizawa turned around abruptly upon hearing his frog student.

"Oh! Are these your students?!?" the girl asked, suddenly excited, "You said I'd get to meet them!"

"Only if you're able to get out," Aizawa said turning his head back to the girl wrapped around in his scarf.

It was the girl's turn to smirk. Her eyes started glowing an eerie gold, and suddenly a gold light appeared around Aizawa's scarf. It untangled itself from the girl, and the scarf got up and tangled itself around Aizawa. It took the student a few seconds to realize it was her quirk.

The girl fell and landed o her feet, she sprinted towards the group of students. 


"Ma'am. Who are you?" Iida asked, doing his famous hand gestures.

"(Y/N) Aizawa, nice to meet you!" the girl, (Y/N), said holding her hand out to shake.

"Y-you're married to Aizawa-sensei?" Izuku stuttered.

"Yes?" (Y/N) asked, unsure why they thought it was so unbelievable, "Is that a problem?"

"Not at all, Mrs. Aizawa," Mina said, interrupting Izuku from whatever he was about to say.

"(Y/N), please."

"(Y/N)," Mina corrected herself with a smile, she liked her already, "How did you and Aizawa-sensei meet?"

"Oh! Well, I was a new student at UA, I lived in America, and I was taught there until my 2nd year. Then I had to move here and it escalated from there."

"How is the school in America?" Momo asked.

"The same as here, except the teachers and students were different, of course."

"What's your quirk?" Izuku asked.

"It's telekinesis. The gold light you saw? It's the telekinesis. You're Inko's son, right?"

"Er, yes?" Izuku said though it sounded like a question.

"Tell her I said hi!" (Y/N) said happily, "Well, we need to get teaching don't we?"

"We?" the entire class asked in unison.

"I'm the new assistant teacher!"

647 words. Sorry, it's short.

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