MurderSquad!Reader x Shoto

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The Dekusquad were hanging out in the kitchen, it was late at night and they just came back from a little ride. Y/N was sitting on the countertop, playing with Shoto's hair as he stood in between her legs.

"Todoroki," Aizawa said, coming into the kitchen, "Your father has been in a car accident and is in the hospital due to blood loss, we will find the person responsible as soon as possible. I send my condolences."

"I took a left swerve, then I took a right," Y/N mumbled, loud enough for everyone in the Dekusquad to hear but not loud enough for Aizawa to hear.

"What was that Y/N?" Aizawa asked.

"Oh nothing, I was sending my condolences to Sho, must have spoken too soft for you to hear," she dismissed.

But as soon as Aizawa left the room they started laughing, "Too bad he didn't die," Shoto remarked, "With your amazing driving skills I'm sure they would've," he said to his girlfriend.

"I know right, guess we gotta try again once he's recovered," Y/N stated with a sweet, sweet, smile. Earning a psychotic laugh from the rest.


Most of class 1a were in the dorms' living room, Y/N was talking to Kirishima merrily as she made a sandwich for herself.

"Kiri, can we go sit on the couch? My body's still sore from when Aizawa dropped that building on us," Y/N asked as she made her way out of the kitchen and to the living room.

"Of course," Kirishima said, following her like a lost puppy.

Y/N huffed when she saw that the couch was taken. But she saw Shoto on the couch with his phone.

She propped herself onto his lap and continued talking with Kiri as he stood awkwardly, looking at his crush in another's lap. Shoto looked up from his phone and smirked as he looked at Kiri's face.

'Poor shitty hair, Shoto's going to give him hell for looking at his girl like that when they were in the kitchen,' Katsuki thought.

"Y/N," Shoto started, "Did—"

A robotic voice interrupted him, "A body has been discovered."

"SHIT! Sho I thought you burned the body!" Y/N exclaimed loudly to the surprise of some of her classmates.

"I did!" he defended himself, "I don't know which body they found!"

"Wait, burned?" Iida questioned, "Last time we buried her."

"Yeah... about that..." Y/N trailed off.

"YOU FUCKING WENT WITHOUT ME!?" Iida bellowed, angry.

"Wait, Dunce Face, did you hide the body in the dumpster like we told you to?" Katsuki asked Denki.

"I diddddddddd... not," he said, clearly worried.


"Well, you see, babes," Y/N started, "You always scream at Izu and Denks to clean up every single drop of blood they drop, so yeah, we can't exactly bring you anywhere if they're there. And 'Chako and Tsu always wander off alone, and 'Suki usually has to supervise Denks."

"Fine but we're going out tomorrow, us two."

Shoto growled slightly.

"Oi, baby, Sho, calm down," Y/N mumbled to him, "He wants to go killing not on a date."

"A killing date," he mumbled back.

"Y-you guys killed people?" Mina asked, scared.

"SHIT!" Ochako screamed looking around the room, "I FORGOT THEY'RE HERE! Y/N TELEPORT US TO BASE!"

"On it," Y/N said, and in an instant, they were gone.

A chorus of ow's filled the League's base.

"I see you're getting comfy, Y/N," Dabi commented, as Y/N landed on top of Shoto, straddling his hips.

"Oi shut up, burnt toast," she cursed, getting off his brother.

Y/N got up, looked around, and saw some Newcomers.

"Hello!" she greeted with a smile, "I'm Y/N, glad to have you on our team."

"Why are you here?!" Shigaraki yelled.

"We might have not been paying attention and revealed that we've killed people."


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2021 ⏰

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