Chapter 29

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Jungkook was in his and Taehyung's room right now. He'd packed his belongings and staff while Taehyung wasn't there. Suddenly, the door opens, revealing Taehyung. 
"K-kookie hyung, where are you going?" Taehyung asked as he went near his hyung.
"I'll be leaving Taehyung," Jungkook said.
"W-why, hyung?" taehyung ask
"I don't want to stay here." I don't want to stay with you. Jungkook said Taehyung's eyes widened after he heard his hyung.
"H-hyung, what was happening to you?" Yesterday we were OK, right? "Why leave? Tell me you're teasing me, right?" Taehyung asked him
"Come on, Taehyung, didn't you notice that I just used you to fulfill my needs?"

"I don't even love you and it will never happen." Jungkook said
"I don't understand you, kookie. What do you mean? "Please don't confuse me, hyung," Taehyung says with a broken voice.
"I just play with your innocence," Jungkook said, and was about to leave the room, but suddenly Taehyung hugged him from the back.
"Kookie, it's not true." You're lying, aren't you? " You said you loved me. Stop lying. You're hurting me. Don't make me feel like this. " As Taehyung said, tears started to roll down his cheeks.
"Hyung, please don't go," Don't leave me alone. You've abandoned me before. I can't let it happen again. "Taehyung he says, tightening his grip on his hyung
Tears escape from Jungkook's eyes, he yanks Taehyung's hand as he walks down the stairs.
Before he leaves, he looks at his dad, who is just staring at him blankly. Then he leaves.
Taehyung followed him. He went down the stairs and was about to leave the house when their dad grabbed both of his wrists.
"Taehyung son just let him go," Jungyi said.
"No, dad. I want kookie hyung. "Please let go of me," Taehyung said while yanking his dad's hand.
"Taehyung let him; he decided to leave; no one was asking him to do it," Jungyi said.
"No, I-I hate you, dad. "Let me go to Hyung," Taehyung said while crying.
Jungkook was driving his car. He was crying at the same time. He really didn't want to leave Taehyung, but his dad threatened him that if he didn't leave the house, he would send him back to the state or he'd send Taehyung to another country, where he wouldn't be able to see Taehyung.
That's why he chose to leave, even though it was hard for him. At least he will still be able to see Taehyung.
After 30 minutes, he reaches his uncle's house. He takes a cab and buzzes the doorbell. After a few seconds, the door opens, revealing Jin.
"Heyy Jungkook, why are you here?" Jin asks
"Jin Hyung, can I stay here?" Jungkook asked.
"You can, but why?" What happened? " Jin asked him as he noticed the younger eyes were red. He knew Jungkook cried.
"I'll explain it inside." Jungkook said as Jin just nodded.
And they went inside the house. They both sat on the couch.
"Heyy Jungkook, why are you here and do you also have luggage?" Jhope asked him confusedly as his eyes landed on the luggage.
"Hey, can I stay here for awhile?"
I don't want to stay in the hotel. Jungkook said
"But why?" Jin asked.
It's because of my dad. He told me to leave the house and stay away from Taehyung. He threatened me that if I didn't follow him, he would send Taehyung somewhere away from me, "Jungkook sa.d
"I did obey him because I didn't want to argue with him."
"What?!," What a ridiculous man your father is. How can he do that to you? Jin said, It's obvious that he's mad by the way he speaks.
"So please let me stay here," Jungkook said.
"What about Taehyung?" Jhope asked him
"I don't know, maybe I'd ignore him for awhile, while I'm still planning how to get him away from the house," Jungkook said.
"Huh, you know he loves you and if you ignore him, he will feel hurt." You can make a plan without ignoring him." Namjoon suddenly spoke as he went on them
"But I can't do anything because I need to do that. I know I will hurt his feelings, but that's the only way I can focus on planning"Jungkook said.
"OK ok, you will stay here. I hope Taehyung will understand you somehow. "Jin said as he patted the younger's shoulder.


Taehyung slammed the door and threw himself on the bed. He hugged his pillow and cried so hard. He wanted his hyung hut his hyung left him. He felt so lonely without his hyung.
He didn't know what was happening. All he knew was that his hyung had never loved him.
He's feeling so broken right now. Remembering those words that came from his hyung hurts him so much. He doesn't want to believe it, but he can't help but to overthink it.
"Taehyung son, please open this door." His mom said outside their room, she just came home and didn't really understand what happened, but her husband just told her that Jungkook had left the mansion.
"Mom, K-kookie hyung, has already left; W-why is he abandoning me once again? Is Kookie Hyung no longer  love me? " Taehyung asked her mom as his sobs became louder.
"Taehyung baby, please open this and let's talk, okay?"Taehya said
"I-I don't want to talk to all of you. "L-leave me alone." I want Kookie Hyung. I want him to come back here, "Taehyung said.
Taehya didn't know what to do. He couldn't convince Taehyung to open the door, so he just sighed and decided to leave him to give him some space.
Taehyung was crying; he wanted Jungkook. He loves his hyung as his lover, even though he doesn't know yet what that means.
Jungkook was in his room, laying on the bed while crying too.
He doesn't know what love he feels for Taehyung if he only loves him as his brother or if he loves him as his lover too.
At first, he only wanted Taehyung. He only wanted to play Taehyung's innocence, but then his feelings for Taehyung grew.
He wants to stay beside Taehyung, but how? His father doesn't want him to be with Taehyung.
What will happen to the both of them? Is Taehyung going to suffer? Is Jungkook going to hurt his feelings just because his dad said so?


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