Chapter 2

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Jungkook was in the hallway when his hyung called him.

"Heyyy Jungkook." Jhope yelled his name. Jungkook turned around and saw his hyung running towards him.

"Heyyy hyung, why are you running?" Jungkook asked, "Nothing." Jhope said

"Ohh Jungkook, are you OK?" Namjoon asked.

"Yess hyung, I just had a little fight with my dad this morning." Jungkook said.

"About what, Jungkook?" Jhope asked Jungkook, taking
a deep sigh before he answered, "Hyung,

Let's just forget it. It's my problem. "Hyung, I don't want all of you to get involved." Jungkook said,

"Ohh,OK." Jin said that after talking to each other, they decided to go to their room.

Jungkook went home immediately after classes, saying he would have fun fucking some random person, but he was mistaken when he entered their home and saw his father sitting on the sofa.

He was about to go upstairs when suddenly his dad called him

"Jungkook son." Mr. Jeon said, "Why?"

Jungkook said, not looking at him,

"Change your clothes." Dinner is ready. " Mr. Jeon said, "Ok."

Jungkook replied briefly to his dad, then he immediately ran to his room.

He went down stairs after changing into more comfortable clothes in his room.
He headed to the dining table. He saw their maids preparing their meals at the table while his dad was sitting at it.

"Son, take a seat; let's eat now." Mr. Jeon said, then he smiled.

Jungkook took a seat in front of him, then started to dig in on his food.
A silence filled the dining table, then Mr. Jeon spoke

"Ahhh,son." Mr. Jeon said, and Jungkook hummed in response. 

"Me and your stepmother will live together. They will migrate here. I know about the staff that you always did when I wasn't here, and I just wanted to make it clear to you that you should stop doing those stupid things here.Your stepbrother was too young and innocent.

If you did something to him, I will not hesitate to bring you into the state. " Jeon said.

"Whatever, dad, I don't care what you say; I'll do what I want and you won't be able to stop me."You are just my dad and nothing else. " Jungkook said

Don't talk to me In that way, Jungkook, I'm still your father. How can you say that to me? " Mr. Jeon said

"Yes, you are my father, but you never treat me as your son." You never gave me any attention. You were always preoccupied with your so-called company and your shitbusiness. Then you will tell me that you are my father. " Jungkook said, and tears escaped from his eyes.

He stood up and went on upstair. He went on to his room. As he reached his room, he went inside and slammed the door.

He threw himself on his bed and hugged a pillow.

"Mom, please come back here. I miss you, mom." "Jungkook, I wish you were still alive; why did you abandon me?" said and cried. After a minute, he fell asleep.

The day had passed.

"Hey hon, we will arrive there after 5 minutes." Mrs. Kim said

"OK hon." Mr. Jeon said.

Mr. Jeon heard a buzz outside his house after 5 minutes, so he knew it was Mrs Kim and Taehyung.

As he opened the door, Taehyung immediately ran to him. As Taehyung reaches him, he gives him a tight hug and a kiss on his cheek.

"Dad!!!"Taehyung said

"Ohh baby, you're here. " Mr. Jeon said

"Hey hon." Mr. Jeon said before kissing Mrs. Kim on the lips.

"Hon, the food has been prepared." Mr. Jeon said
Wait, dad, where is Hyung? I want to meet him. Mom said I can play with Hyung, but I need to ask him first. Taehyung cutely said

Actually, Mr. Jeon didn't want Taehyung to meet his son since Jungkook was so rude and had a bad side too.

"Dad."Taehyung once again said

Ahhh ehhh, I think he was sleeping, maybe later. " Mr. Jeon lied.

Can I go to his room? " Taehyung said 

We should eat first, baby. " Mr. Jeon said

But dad, I want to see my hyung. " Taehyung said, then he pouted.

Mr. Jeon took a deep sigh.

OK, you can go now. " Mr. Jeon said as he put down taehyung.

Thank you, dad. " Taehyung said, smiling at his mother and stepfather, before running upstairs.

As he reaches Jungkook's room,
He knocked on the door with a smile on his face.

On Jungkook's side 

Jungkook was watching an adult movie. His room was soundproofed, so no one could hear what he was doing. He was sweating and enjoying himself by bobbing his hand up and down, his eyes closed, imagining some rambling person. They were sucking his c***.

He was so close  when he heard a knock.

"Who the hell is that? Your timing is fucking off."He yelled as he stood up.

He was just wearing boxers when he opened the door.

Someone immediately hugged him. He looked down and he saw a kid hugging him. The little kid looked up.

His mouth dropped open as he saw a beautiful child with an ethereal face and curly, short hair. 

Jungkook returned to reality when the child who was hugging him spoke.

Hii hyung.l, I'm Taehyung. " Taehyung cutely said and then looked at Jungkook innocently.

"H-hii..l," Jungkook shook his head.

"Can we play?" Taehyung said

Ahh ehhh.Maybe later we can play. Jungkook said, smiling at him.

Yehayy Hyung will play with me. " Taehyung said, then hugged him again.

Hyung, why are you only wearing a boxer? " Taehyung innocently said

But Jungkook didn't respond.

"Can I go inside of your room?" Taehyung said

No—just leave me for now. " Jungkook said

But I want to go inside. " Taehyung said

"No not now. " Jungkook yelled. Taehyung flinched as Jungkook started to yell at him, tears escaping from his eyes.

Taehyung began to cry.

No taehyung baby, I didn't mean to yell at you. Look sorry. "Don't worry, you can go to my room later, but not now. Shush, don't cry." Jungkook said

Then Taehyung stopped himself from crying. " 

Promise hyung. " Taehyung said

Promise,Just leave me for now and go to see Dad. I'll just wear my clothes. " Jungkook

OK hyung. Byee. " Taehyung said

Bye.. " Jungkook said as Taehyung left him.

Jungkook took a deep sigh. Then he went back inside of his room and locked it.

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