Chapter 39

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After what happened, Taehyung locked himself again in his room. He didn't talk to his parents as he kept ignoring them like they didn't exist.
Taehyung was in his room, lying on his bed and caressing his stomach while staring at the ceiling.He didn't know why, but he felt something moving inside his stomach.
He started to feel it a few weeks ago. He noticed that he was slightly getting fat, so he'd always worn an oversize t-shirt.
The door opened, revealing his mom, who looked at him. He just stared at his mom. Then his mom went near him and sat beside him.
"Tae baby,do you really don't want to talk to me?" Taehya said.
"Please, I'm not mad." I already knew everything about you and your history, and I'm not against either of you. So please talk to me. " Taehya said
"B—but dad, he hates Kookie. Why doesn't he want me to be happy? I love Hyung more than a stepbrother. " Taehyung said
"I know, but your dad is just doing it for you." Taehya said
"Kookie is his son. I'm not his real child. Why is he hurting Kookie?" Taehyung said, and his eyes became teary.
"Maybe they just had a little problem." Taehya said.
"Mom, please let me go back to Hyung I-I want to see him. I want him now." Taehyung said tears escaped from his eyes.
"Shush baby, don't cry. I can't help you since your dad is really mad at your husband, but if everything was fine, you should be able to see him, ok."Taehya said, wiping taehyung tears.
Taehyung hugged his mom so tight when suddenly he felt vomit, so he stood up and dashed inside the bathroom and went to the sink to vomit. Taehya followed him and he saw Taehyung vomiting.
He just sighed because he knew what was going on.
"So there is something happening to you with your health?" Taehya asks
"H-he said he loves me. He said it's not bad because he loves me and H-he will make sure that I'll be with him." Taehyung said, looking down.
Taehya went on him and hugged him and caressed his back. She's mad, but still Taehyung is her child. Anger won't help her with anything.
"Why are you so innocent, my son?" she said.
"Are you mad at me?" Taehyung asked, then Taehya broke the hug.
"I'm not. If I get mad at you, nothing will change, and I don't want to make you feel stressed." She said
"I love you, mom." Taehyung said and hugged his mom.
"I love you too." Taehya said, and he smiled.
Taehya decided to tell Jungyi that Taehyung was pregnant so they could do the right things that they needed.
"D-dad, I'm pregnant." Taehyung nervously said
"What!? How when?" "What the fuck taehyung, who's the father of that baby? " Jungyi was yelling. His voice was echoing inside the house.
"K-kookie hyung." Taehyung whispers but Jungyi can hear it.
"Did something happen to the both of you?" Why Taehyung? Why didn't you tell me that something was happening to you? That Jungkook did something to you. Jungyi yelled at Taehyung.
"M—S—sorry I didn't mean it, dad." Taehyung said tears kept falling from his cheeks.
"I went out of my way to make you feel like my real son."Jungyi yelled again, then Taehyung received a slap from Jungyi.
Bogum was in front of the door when he heard a loud voice coming from inside the house. As he went in, he saw Taehyung crying. Then he witnessed how Jungyi slapped Taehyung. So he ran after Taehyung and covered him.
Taehyung burst into tears. Taehya held Jungyi's hand to make him calm.
"Taehyung, what happened here?" Bogum said.
"Tito, what was happening?"here W-why did you slap him?" Bogum asks
"Hon, please don't hurt him. He's still my son. Please, he's pregnant. Something might happen to him."
"You will abort that baby." Jungyi said.
Jungyi's eyes were wide after he heard what Bogum said. It immediately sank into his mind that Taehyung was pregnant.
"What, hon, that's not a good idea. It's still my grand child, our grand child." Taehya said
"I don't care, you will abort it." Jungyi said.
"Uncle T-taehyung doesn't need to do that. I'll marry him if that's the only way the baby will be able to live." Bogum said.
"No bogumie, you don't need to help me. This is all my fault." Taehyung said
"No, taehyung, I want to help you, so please let me help you." Bogum said.
"But, I hurt your feelings," Taehyung said.
"It's not important for now. Let me help you at least once." Bogum said.
Taehyung nodded bogum wiped his tears and looked at Jungyi again.
"I'll marry him, uncle. Don't worry. I'll take care of them. " Bogum said.
"Are you sure?" Jungyi asked.
" Yes uncle, I'm ready to marry him." Bogum said.
"O-OK, fine." Jungyi said.
After that, Jungyi left them and went to his room to finally arrange everything for the wedding as early as they could.

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