chapter 14

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 Please ignore my mistake/typos

Jungkook was now ready to leave his house. He woke up so early because today was the day he would go back to Korea.
He prepared his luggage then went down stairs. He went out of the house and hopped inside the car. Then he started to drive away.
He didn't tell his parents, not even to his dad, and not to his friends either. He didn't tell them that he was going back because he wanted them to be surprised.
He buys a souvenir for them all, especially for Taehyung. He buys something that he knows Taehyung will like. 
His phone vibrated, so he picked it up and looked at the screen. Then he saw a message coming from his friends, which was from Eun Woo and Harry.
They messaged him
"Good luck, bro. See you there soon," they said.
Then Jungkook just smiled. He put down his phone again and looked back on his way.
After a minute, he reached the airport. He immediately hopped out.
He waited for his flight. After a minute, his plane was ready to leave.
He went on the airplane, then he took a seat in his place where the flight attendant assisted him.
After a few minutes, the plane started to move.
He took a nap since it was still early, still 5 in the morning.
Jungkook got woken up. He looked at his watch and it was already 7 am when the plane landed in South Korea.
He took his bag and luggage and went out on the plane.
As he reached his car, he hopped inside and immediately started his engine and drove it.
Taehyung was in his room still sleeping, then he got woken up when his mom called him.
"Wake up, Taehyung son; you still have a class, and Bogum promised to pick you up here."Taehya said
"OK mom," Taehyung said.
Then Taehya leaves his room.
He took a seat on his bed and rubbed his eyes. After that, he got up and went inside the bathroom.
When Jungkook finally reached their house, he hopped out and knocked on the door.
The door finally opens after a few knocks, revealing Taehya as his stepmother.
"Mom," Jungkook said, and hugged her.
"Ohh Jungkook son, you've arrived," Taehya said, looking at Jungkook.
"Jungyi come here, Jungkook is here, he come back here," Taehya said as Jungyi reached their place.
"Hey dad, nice to see you again," Jungkook said, his lips smirked.
"J-jungkook, you're here." Jungyi said.
"Yess dad, why is there something wrong if I come back here?" Jungkook said
"N-nothing, son, why didn't you even call us so we could pick you up at the airport?"Jungyi said.
"Hmm, I just wanted to surprise y'all." Jungkook said as he roved his eyes over their house.
"You really grew up, Jungkook, which is good because you look great."Taehya complimented him as she noticed that Jungkook was growing up so well.
"Thanks mom, but anyway, where's Taehyung? I want to see him." Jungkook said
"Ahh taehyung, he is still using your room. I think he was just fixing himself since he needed to attend his school later," Taehya said.
"OK mom, can I see him now?" Jungkook said.
"Of course, just go to your room. I know he'll be happy to see you again." Jungkook smiled at her and immediately went to his room.
As he reached his room, he knocked on the door. No one opened it, so he just opened it by himself since it was not locked.
He didn't see Taehyung there, then he heard the sounds of water coming from inside the bathroom.
He went near it, then he checked if the door was locked, and luckily it was not locked.
He slowly opened it. He saw a guy fully naked while taking a shower.
And he knew that it was Taehyung.
He went inside and went near Taehyung, and now he was facing Taehyung's back.
Taehyung was busy taking a shower when suddenly he felt a pair of arms on his waist and a warm kiss on his neck and shoulder blades.
He turned around and saw a guy looking at him.
He looked at the guy's eyes and a smile formed on his lips.
"Kookie hyung," Taehyung said, and immediately hugged Jungkook.
"Kookie hyung, you're here now," Taehyung said, and tears started to come out in those beautiful eyes of his.
"Yess baby, I'm already here, so don't cry." Jungkook said as he heard Taehyung sobbing.
"I just missed you so much, Hyung. You took so long to come back here, I thought you'd already forgotten me."
Taehyung broke the hug as he remembered he was still wet. He looked at his hyung's clothes and they were already wet since he hugged him.
"I'm sorry, Hyung." Taehyung said innocently
Jungkook looked at his clothes, then he noticed that he was already wet because of the water.
He held Taehyung's chin up to face him, then he smiled.
"It's all right, baby; don't worry, I'm not mad at you."Jungkook said and pecked Taehyung's lips.
"Really hyung," Taehyung said cutely.
"Of course yes. You know, Kookie Hyung will never get mad on you. "You are my baby." Jungkook said again and prepared a kiss on all parts of Taehyung's face. Taehyung giggled at it.
"Let's take a shower," Jungkook said, and Taehyung just smiled.
Jungkook removes all of his clothes and they take a seat in the bath tub. Jungkook turns on the water. Nothing happened between them; they simply took a shower.

:  Don't hesitate to tell me if there's a part that makes you uncomfy:) I want to beware so I can change them immediately.

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