Chapter 46 - end

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Who wouldn't have thought that everything between Jungkook's relationship with his dad would be fixed?

"Hun, we're about to leave.Hurry up, I don't want Jungseo to be late on his first day of school," Taehyung yelled. 
"Wait, I'll just wear my shoes."
"Come on, hun, don't be so slow"
With that, Jungkook went on them. He saw his husband and son looking at him. He just feigned a smile as he got near to them.
"You're so beautiful hun, ohh my baby looks so cute in his school uniform."Jungkook says,
"Thanks dad," Jungseo says.
"Looks like our son is excited," Taehyung says.

"Of course, appa, I'm so excited. I'll be having a lot of friends," Jungseo.
"Let's go now, you might be late," Taehyung said, and then they all went inside the car.
Jungkook was the one who drove the car while Taehyung and Jungseo were sitting in the back seats.
After a few minutes, they reach the school. Jungseo immediately takes his cab. He excitedly runs in front of the hallway.
"Dad, appa, hurry up," Jungseo yelled.
"Come down, don't be so hurried, you might lose yourself here," Taehyung says.
"Hun, he's not a child anymore. He won't lose himself," Jungkook says.
"He's only 7 years old, Jungkook."
"OK, let's just fetch him from his classroom so we can have time for each other," Jungkook says, not wanting to have a fight with his childish husband again.
"Are you trying to escape from this argument?" Taehyung inquired of him.
"No, I'm not hun, you said Jungseo would be late." Jungkook says he is trying to change the topic.
After they fetched Jungseo to his new classroom, they immediately left him with his teacher. Jungkook decided to take Taehyung somewhere so they could relax and have time for each other since it has been so long since they have spent time with E/O
"Heyy, hun, you OK?" Jungkook asked him
"Yuhh, I'm just thinking about some random thoughts," Taehyung says.
They're on a beach sitting on the sand waiting for the sunset. They're away from a lot of people. Well, Jungkook rented a resort for the both of them. Their parents were the ones who were going to take out Jungseo to his school, so they don't have any problem leaving Jungseo with their parents.
"Some random what?" Jungkook inquired, his eyes wide with interest.
"I mean, I'm not that innocent anymore to not know what happened in our past before. I just realized that we've suffered in a lot of bad situations before we became a strong couple, strong married husbands and also became parents to our child. I've never thought I could fight for my love, HYUNG, "Taehyung says."
"I know and I'm thankful that you didn't let me go. You didn't leave me. You chose to stay and help me fight for our love. I'm so happy that you always chose to understand me, my taebear." Jungkook says and he smiles.
"Of course I love you and no one can change my mind about loving you," Taehyung said as he smiled at him.
"Me too, hun, me too," Jungkook says.
And with that, Jungkook caressed his husband's cheeks and pecked his forehead and lips. Taehyung hugged him so tight and Jungkook just caressed his back with a smile firm on his lips.


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