Chapter 3

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Jungkook was taking a bath, then after that he went out and wore his clothes, then he fixed them, and when he was already done, he took his phone. He took a seat on the edge of his bed, then he started to scroll on his phone.

"Sir Jungkook, your dad was calling you." A maid yelled outside of his room.

"Wait for me to go down the stairs." Jungkook yelled back 

Then the maid leaves him.
He put his phone inside of his pocket, then he went down stairs. He headed to the kitchen since he knew that his dad and stepmom were eating breakfast.

When he reached the table, his stepmom approached him.

"Jungkook, you're here. Take a seat and eat your breakfast before you go to school." Taehya said

"Thanks aunt."Jungkook said and took a seat. 

"Jungkook son, don't call me aunt, you can call me mom too." Taehya said to Jungkook's stepmom, as she smiled at him.

"Okay, mom and Jungkook, just smile at her as well." Then he started to eat his food

. Jungkook son, can you take Taehyung to school too? We decided to transfer him to your school. " Jungyi said to his son

"Ahhh ehhh dad, I am going somewhere." Jungkook lied because he didn't really want to get closer to taehyung.

Taehyung is just making him suffer. He doesn't know what he should do if he did something to him. Taehyung really attracts him.

"It's fine, hon; I'll just drop Taehyung off at his school."Taehya said

"OK hon." Jungyi said.

Taehyung was just silent while eating his breakfast. because he didn't know what they were talking about.

After Jungkook finished his food, he stood up. 

"Mom, dad, I need to go. I'll be late." Jungkook said

"Okay, drive safe, son." Taehya said, and Jungkook just smiled at her.
Then he went upstairs.

He took his phone and bag, then he went out of their house.

He hopped on his car and left.
After 30 minutes, he reached his school. He parked his car, then hopped out.

He went on them after seeing his hyung.

"Heyy Jungkook, how's your life with your stepmom?" Jhope said 

"I'm OK. She was good to me and nice. I won't blame dad for why he fell for her," Jungkook said.

"But you look OK. Do you have any problems with your stepmom?" Namjoon said

Actually, I had a problem, but not with my stepmother. The problem is with my stepbrother. Jungkook said

"W-what do you mean?" Yoongi said.

"He was torturing me, dude. He was beautiful, had a sexy body, and everything about him was perfect. Finally, he was innocent, which is why my father warned me, and fuck I don't know if I can control myself whenever he was around on me. making me hard, dude." Jungkook said and tugged at his hair.

"That's a big problem, dude." Jhope said

"Joe is right." Namjoon said

"What's your plan?" Yoongi said. 

"I don't know why, I just don't want to see him nor get closer to him." Jungkook said

They were busy talking to each other when a girl came in front of Jungkook and approached him.

"Heyyy Jungkook, would you like to have some fun with me?" A girl said in a flirty tone.

Then he sat on Jungkook's lap and started to kiss Jungkook's lips. Jungkook kissed her back, not caring about his heart or the other students around them.

They heard a cute voice calling Jungkook's name while Jungkook was still kissing the girl. 

"Kookie hyung."Jungkook yelled as he saw Taehyung.
Then he went near him and approached him.

"Hey Jungkook, stop that. There's a little kid calling you." Jhope said

Then Jungkook broke the kisses and looked at his hyung.

"What a hyung." Jungkook said
"Him, he was calling you." Jhope said while pointing at Taehyung, who was now smiling at them.

"Kookie hyung."Jungkook gave him a startled look. 

"T-taehyung, why are you here?" Jungkook nervously said as the girl was still on his lap.

"Dani, you may now go." Jungkook said

"OK," Dani said, and kissed Jungkook once again.
Then he leaves.

"Kookie hyung hiii."Taehyung said
Then Jungkook looked at him.

"Why are you here, taehyung? Don't you have a class right now?" Jungkook said

"I don't have a teacher because my teacher had a meeting, so I decided to go on here." Taehyung said with a smile, then he hugged Jungkook.

"Hyung, what are you doing with that girl?" Taehyung innocently said 

"Ahh ehhh—jungkook suddenly cut by Yoongi

"He was just playing with that girl. If you grow up, you can do that too." Yoongi said.

"Can you do that to me young if I grow up?" Taehyung innocently said

Then jhope just laughed.

"Of course not."Jungkook suddenly said that made Taehyung become teary.

"Why do you hate me?" Taehyung said, wiping away a tear from his eyes.

"No, I don't hate you. I just don't want to do that to you." Jungkook said

"Why don't you love me?" Taehyung said 

"Of course not, baby, your hyung loves you." Jin said, "He just doesn't want to do that kind of thing to you."

"Come here, baby, I want to know you more." Jin said and Taehyung went on him, then Jin immediately hugged him.

"Babe, you look like the mother of our child." Namjoon said

"Stop."Jin said and pinched Namjoon's nose.

"What I'm just saying is the truth." Namjoon said

"Can you two just shut up?" Yoongi said.

Then Taehyung smiled again because of them.

While Jungkook is just being quiet there because he really doesn't want to talk to Taehyung. Taehyung was having fun with his new friends, which is Jungkooks' hyungs

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