chapter 19

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Taehyung woke up and it was already morning. He moved a bit, but someone hugged him so tight.
"Please don't move, tae baby; let me hug you."Jungkook said raspily.
But Taehyung moved again, but Jungkook tightened his grip.
"Please baby, don't move. I—I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you last night," Jungkook said.
And Taehyung turned around to face Jungkook. Then he saw his Hyung with teary eyes.
"I'm sorry, tae baby; I didn't mean to hurt you.I just feel so jealous of that bogum.. " Jungkook said
I'm sorry too, Hyung. I know I didn't follow what you said to me. And I just let him get near me. "Taehyung said
"It's fine baby, but starting this day, don't talk to him. I don't want to see you with him. "Jungkook said
Taehyung just nodded jungkook smile at him, then he pecked taehyung's forehead, then he kissed taehyung's lips multiple times.
He pulled Taehyung closer to him and cuddled him so tight.
Taehyung snuggled his face on Jungkook's bare chest and they fell asleep again since it's still morning.
Hours had passed but they were still sleeping. Taehya went to their room to wake them up. As she reached the room, she knocked on it but she didn't hear any response. Then she decided to open the door.
As she opened it, he saw his two sons sleeping peacefully while cuddling each other.
She smiled as she noticed how close Taehyung was to his stepson.
After that, she went near them and woke them.
"Hey, Taehyung and Jungkook, wake up." Taehya said while shaking them both.
"Mom, five minutes more, I still want to sleep," Jungkook said.
"No more than five minutes, you two should get up now. You need to attend your school," Taehya said.
Then Jungkook opened his eyes and looked at his mom, who was smiling at him.
"Why are you smiling at me, mom?" Jungkook asked.
"Nothing, I'm just happy that you and Taehyung were so close to each other." Taehya said
"Ahhh, thanks mom." Jungkook said 
"OK, I need to go now. Jungkook son, wake up Taehyung, you two will be late to your classes." Taehya said as he left the room.
Jungkook just smiled, then he looked beside him. Taehyung was still sleeping peacefully. Even though he doesn't want to disturb Taehyung, he still needs it since they need to go on their school trip.
"Taehyung baby, wake up." Jungkook said while shaking his shoulder.
"Hyung, let me sleep." Taehyung said, with his sleepy voice.
"Come on baby, get up now, we still need to attend to our classes," Jungkook said.
Let me sleep, hyu—Taehyung was about to finish when Jungkook lifted him up like a sack of rice.
"Kookie hyung put me down," Taehyung said while punching his back.
"Nope, let's take a bath now. We will be late." Jungkook said, and he dragged Taehyung inside the bathroom, then he put down Taehyung there.
Then he prepared the bath tub and turned on the water.
"Heyy baby, take a bath now. I'll just get some clothes for us." Jungkook said and went out of the bathroom.
After taehyung finished taking a bath, jungkook took a bath too. When jungkook was already done, he saw taehyung had already fixed himself. He was now sitting at the edge of their bed while scrolling on his phone.
Jungkook wore his clothes and he called out, "Taehyung."
"Baby, let's go now," Jungkook said.
And Taehyung stood up and they both went out of their room.
"Baby, you want to eat breakfast first before we go?" Jungkook asked.
"Ahh no, Hyung, maybe I'll eat in the cafeteria." Taehyung said
"Ohh Ok, make sure you'll eat a lot." Jungkook said as they went out of the house, Jungkook opened the door car for Taehyung, and Taehyung took a cab, and Jungkook took a cab on the driver's seat, and he started the engine and they left.
After a minute, they reached the university, and they both hopped out.
They immediately went inside the school and walked down the hallway. Taehyung saw Jimin, then he called him.
"Chim!" Taehyung called him.
"Hayy taehyung, you're finally here, Hii Jungkook," Jimin said as they approached him.
"Anyway, Jimin, where is Yoongi Hyung?" Jungkook asks.
"I don't know, maybe he was on the basketball court," Jimin said.
Ah, ok, Taehyung baby, I need to go now. I'll just meet Hyungs Jimin. Always stay at his side. Don't let him be alone. Jungkook said, and he pecked Taehyung's lips, then he left.
Well, Jimin used to see them pecking each other's lips. That's why he didn't mind it.
"Ohh anyway, Taehyung is you and Jungkook are OK now." Jimin asks
"Yes, Chim, he already apologized to me this morning." Taehyung said
"Well that's good. I don't like seeing him be mad," Jimin said.
"Yeah, let's go now," Taehyung said, and they continued walking.

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