3. Caesar shouldn't be this handsome and young!

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Two weeks later

Can a girl dream? Dream like dream dream?

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Can a girl dream? Dream like dream dream?

Ask me how I got to stay with Cherry in the Banley's mansion for fifteen freaking days and I'll have no clue on how to answer that question. It just happened to be so, we got to be friends with cherry way too faster than for everybody else's liking. Yeah, firstly because I was a complete stranger to her, so I blamed her for trusting so easily.

But my question was, our friendship, was it possibly real? I loathed her brother who happened to have stayed at his business trip for an insanely long duration of time thus making me more angrier and impatient. I knew better than to let my cool slip anyway.

Life was soft and sweet to be honest. For fifteen days, I lived like any girl or some girls for that matter. I could wake up from my guest bed, the room next to Cherry's, take a slow shower or even enjoy a warm bath in her bathtub when she was at school. Then I will go for breakfast. It wasn't exactly breakfast, it was a combined breakfast and lunch because I normally used to wake up at ten and I'll go down by twelve noon.

Talk about making yourself at home in an enemy's freaking castle. But that doesn't mean my foehood grew a little less, I still loathed him with all his guts.

I could help Maggie make lunch sometimes, but he used to dismiss me most of the times. I used my free time spying around, scanning everything else around. I wanted to be familiarized for that place.

The first week was spent touring the place, taking everything in. The second week, I spent it reading novels Cherry got me. I was getting comfortable with that luxurious life and I should say that I hated every part of it because I was at my foe's place, but unfortunately, I loved every tad bit of it.

Cherry had taken me to her school on some Thursday, she gave me a tour around and I sure envied every person who went to Fordham university. I envied them because for all I know, they had homes they came from, they had parents or guardians, they had friends, they enjoyed their childhood, they schooled like normal kids, generally they were exposed to the world. Me? I had none of that.

I had enjoyed the little tour and the shopping we did afterwards at the mall. As usual, I watched kids and their parents at the mall and still envied them, even teens who shopped around like us.

I wished that was me.


"Hey! You sleepyhead! Are you still sleeping or?" I heard Cherry's voice outside her room. It was on a sunday and she begged me to stay with her the previous night. Who was I to deny? I so wanted more closure of course.

"I'm not!" I shouted back smiling. Really smiling, another genuine smile since I got to the Banley's. In some way, Cherry made that possible for me, I could smile, laugh sometimes but not that frequently. Heck, I didn't even knew what laughing was before, let alone smiling. I managed that, kinda frequently, courtesy of miss Cherry Banley. I must admit it felt weirdly good to exist again.

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