8. My marvelous Chloe!

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It was about time for me to go home and I was really happy because I was going to try cooking something new.

On top of that all, it was on a Friday, that meant that my beauty sleep was really waiting for me.

On Thursday and Fridays we had practical cooking lessons and so we could cook various types of meals and present them to our instructor.

It was no doubt I had became more comfortable with basic cooking techniques. Like making sweet and sour meatballs and I knew how to stirfry plus, I was no longer wondering of what mesclun was, I was even thinking of inviting Cherry's friends over to show off those new culinary skills. Because my friend Nicole from the same class was well aware of my cooking.

Part of serving great food was presentation: like the salad nicoise, it was supposed to appeal to your mouth, nose, eyes and thinking senses. Mrs Reyes taught us that you don't have to be a trained chef to learn the basics of plating, which is the art of presenting food in an attractive way.

And it was not all about making butter sculptures or radish animals, There were seven simple ways to present meals like a pro, like a professional chef! Setting the table and choosing your plates wisely were among those seven ways.

What made me much prouder was the fact that Caesar wouldn't be helping me anymore in using knives and forks in right places. I have to admit that at first I knew nothing about using both forks and knives at the table, who had time to teach me that? Nobody!

I was now four months into my course. It was just two months remaining and I couldn't be any happier.

Many things had happened in those four months;

Mrs Johnson had come looking for me which made me wonder if the woman was missing me or if she was curious on how far my revenge plan was.

The latter one won. It was on a weekend, some two months back, I was called by the gateman that I had a visitor, so when I got out of the gate, I can't say I wasn't surprised, she was there in her old Toyota Corolla. I hid my disappointed look and approached her, not even mere greetings, she went straight to the point. "What's taking you long with your revenge plans?" I was almost loosing control but I answered her anyway.

"It's not as easy as you think. I'm doing what I'm doing, why anxious and impatient, do you miss me at home?" I fought the words but they came rushing out against all my resistance. But I wasn't afraid of her anymore. And if my mission was going to be successful, I swore that I wasn't going back to their house again.

"No, we just want to see him going down Chloe. Nobody misses you, you can stay there for as long as you want!" She replied coolly contrasting the venom words that came out of her mouth. And I wanted anything to do with her even when she added, "Chloe you know that's what's right, that way, we'll avenge your parent's death." But I was already walking out of her, I didn't wait to hear any no freaking news but same same words from when I was a toddler.

But against all my will, I turned back and said, "Yes aunty." And I walked into the gate, not long after that, I heard her evving up the engine of her old Corolla and she left.

Another thing that happened, Cherry took me to Caesar's work place. I got to see his tall building, his own company. How grumpy, serious and strict he was with his employees. But above everything else, I liked the way he was shocked to see me there. Cherry had left me and rushed to greet some kid, that kid happened to be Mesh's, Mesh was Caesar's best friend and her wife was there with their kid.

After Cherry show me, his office, I went ahead but unfortunately or fortunately, I found him at the lobby yelling at his secretary. He looked so mad and I pitied the lady who was being yelled at. She was shaking and it was so evident that she was afraid of him.

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