29. Sweet and yummy.

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Caesar's pov

I knew it wouldn't be easy for Chloe to accept my offer but I didn't know it would take almost zero effort to convince her. The moment she was fit with it even under certain conditions, I felt like a huge load has been lifted off my shoulders.

We're talking about this one girl who can't even hurt a fly but can hurt an egotistic human being with just one word.  That's my Marvelous and that's what she does to me.

A few days had passed since I got back from another one of our business trips in LA which took a week and three days. And in those few days in Bronx I'd barely caught sleep. We had business deals to close with some of our major stakeholders and it was one hell of a task. 

I could sleep at dawn, that means somewhere around four in the morning and by six in the morning my alarm was rejoicing. How could things get possibly better? I barely saw my sister leave alone Chloe. Sometimes I could sleep in the office over my paperwork since my body was getting used to the coffee I usually took as a mild stimulant. I'd take cups, lots and countless but it did almost to nothing.

I'd signed contracts, taken part in big projects and partnered with potential industries in the course of a month and I was getting overwhelmed with everything.

Aristotle said, 'Excellence is a habit.' I would say furthermore that excellence is made constant through the feeling that comes right after one has completed a work which he himself finds undeniably awe-inspiring. He only wants to relax until he's ready to renew such a feeling all over again because to him, all else has become absolutely trivial. That's why I'd spend all those times up trying to make something out of something.

I'm really very self-confident when it comes to my work. When I take on a project, I believe in it 100%. I really put my soul into it. I'd die for it. That's how I am. And that's why I stay up at night with my employees when need arises. By now they all understand how passionate I get with my work because you have to work for the business first before it works for you.

I don't do work overtime because of money,
making money isn't hard in itself... What's hard is to earn it doing something worth devoting one’s life to.

We are slaves of Time. So we have inherent tendency to become master of others. Even in a family, a power play goes on in the name of love and duty.

It was on a Friday and I was done with work and it was that one day I was happy to join my family for dinner. It's bizarre how I included Chloe when I was talking about family. She'd become a large part of our lives and we wouldn't have asked for less of her.

As I walked out of my office I noticed that my secretary Betty was still behind her desk busy typing something away on her computer.

"Betty." She shot her head up immediately.

"Yes sir." She answered shakily. Until now, every person working for me reeked off fear when I talked to them.

"You can go home early today." I said flatly watching her as she nervously typed nothing away.

"It's not yet five---"

"Betty what time did you went home yesterday?" I growled out.

"I..it was around 1 a.m sir." She stuttered.

"Go home." I said in a final tone.

"Thanks. Sir." She finally looked up at me smiling. " Nice weekend sir."

I nodded stiffly as I walked out into the elevator.

As I walked into my house after parking my car in the basement, I was greeted by the sweet aroma of yummy food which I had no clue about its name.

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