13. Likes you

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I was supposed to wake up and get myself ready for school because it was getting late but I found it hard to prepare.

I sat there on my bed as thoughts of the previous night flooded my mind. My face was literally flushing as I fantasized Caesar's tongue on me.

Sure that was gross and in the life of me, I never thought something like that will ever happen to me, leave alone allowing someone to do so to me.

It's like all the sane side of me obscured and I was left with nothing, I couldn't even think straight and I freaking allowed him to do that to me. I felt like beating myself up for it but it was done it was done, I felt good and I just have to live with it, with the positive side of it, period! I had to accept that I got to feel the most wonderful feeling out of this world.

I felt a knock on my bedroom door which woke me up from my daytime fantasies and my heart picked up fast at the thought of Caesar on my door again.

I wanted to avoid and ignore him so much but it was getting harder day by day. I just had this need to be with him, be closer to him. But I also couldn't forget the fact that I was there for a reason.

So against all odds, I raised my head up to tell the person to get in but before I did that, I saw my pajama pants and panties across the room on the floor lying down next to the couch. Looking at myself under my duvet, I was naked.

Holy cow! "Wait a minute!" I yelled as I stood up immediately and went to pick them up. I pulled them up quickly, one after the other and went back to sitting on the bed like nothing had happened.

"You can come in." I called out and immediately an excited and ready to school Cherry got in. She was wearing light blue jeans and a black crop top underneath a dark brown leather jacket with dark brown leather boots. She was really mouth dropping. Her make over was also lit and she couldn't be anymore prettier. Beauty that flowed in the Banley's bad blood was astounding. Like for sure!

"Chllloooooooeeeeeeeeee!!!" She screamed as she flew across my room to where I was seated and she tackled me into a tight bear hug.

"What's with all this happiness this morning?" I asked once we pulled away from the embrace. She looked up at me and sulked in air.

"Wait, what's with the flushed face early this morning?" She asked and I felt heat creeping up my neck to my cheeks, yet again! I couldn't avoid the fact that Caesar was affecting me.

"Nothing, you just hugged me now choking the air out of me lady, what did you expect?" I lied, but the person I was lying to could see right through my exterior.

"Yes, I choked the air out of you." She scoffed looking at me way deeply, literally scanning me. "If you don't know it yet, you happen to suck at lying marvelous chloe."

Shit, shit, shit.

Marvelous chloe? She heard us last night? Oh God no please!

I closed my eyes tightly trying to get rid off my embarrassment and the awkwardness in the room but I couldn't.

"I noticed that same flush on your face some weeks back when Caesar called you, 'my marvelous Chloe' so don't tell me that Caesar just left the house now?" I opened an eye to see her raising a brow quizzically.

Finally letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding, I thanked the heavens for lightening the moment.

"Could be." I replied biting my lip.

"My brother likes you Chloe." She muttered getting all over serious.

"What?" My eyes bulged out.

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