33. A success.

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Caesar's pov

I stood there on the top of the stairs and watched her walk so confidently, her head held up high and I wanted to strangle every man in that building who looked at her with a hunger so evident.

Then she walked towards the mic and adjusted it. A strand of hair fell on her face and she tucked it behind her ear, cleared her throat at the same time.

"Uhmmm...." She trailed casually as every one else would. "This might be awkward because this is my first time to stand in front of a very large congregation as this." She laughed lightly to ease the tension and nervousness but that made everyone crack along with her.

"So ladies and gentlemen, please excuse my poor attempt. I greet you all."

"We greet you back." They responded joyously.

That only boosted her courage, I knew it from how her eyes lit up.

"I don't know where to start, leave alone what to say, and I think I'm starting to sound like a nuisance... blubbering mess." Everyone bursted out laughing.

At the moment I was standing directly infront of her about two metres away. It wasn't just me, there were other people around who stood there, sipping wine from their champagne glasses as they listened intently on her.

"Since I'm clueless and just as blank, I think I'll tell you a story of this one girl I know. This girl grew up with just one need, someone to love her and believe in her. But she never found anyone who she could rely on. She doubted herself in everything she did and thought that she was absolutely a total amateur."


"As she grew, she believed someone will compliment her life one day, but what was the rush? She asked herself...  I mean everyone's searching so passionately for something to fill the void but she didn't want any part of that, she was happy finding her own way until she got swept off her feet."

It's at that moment that her eyes drifted and they met mine. She smiled, the sweetest smile she'd ever offered me.

"It's one thing to find someone who believes in you but it's entirely another thing to have this person's support and acceptance." Her eyes still lingered on me as she said those words.

" So this girl found that person who accepted, believed and supported her in every way. One day he told her, ' You've always had that about you, the sparkle in your eye, you're unshakeable and what makes you so admirable is; your ability to shine bright when no one knows of your pain and what you've been through.' "

My very own words... I thought she wasn't listening...

"Since he believed in her in more ways than just one, he gave her a chance to live like everyone else and feel whatever those other people felt.

In the process of it all she stopped doubting herself and gave herself a chance. She persevered through every obstacle, because NOT believing in herself was no longer an option. Self-doubt wasn’t welcomed there anymore.

She agreed to love herself deeply and it's from that point she decided to be the sun of her own life.

Along the way she made friends and people she could always rely on. She became something she was proud of and she only wished to make more successes in her life."

She then stopped talking, taking people's looks in.

"So that girl is me." Gasps erupted as shocked expressions formed on people's faces.

She was quite a talker. She also took me by surprise. Who would have thought?

"This was not just my work as Caesar put it, I'll call it more of  a team work." I made a face making her give me her infamous glare.

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