43. My reflection

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Caesar's POV

This was totally unforeseen. I didn't see this coming when I brought my Marvelous and Cherry with me to Naples.

Everything was almost like a constant reminder of the so many unaccomplished businesses I had. I thought it was just a seminar but oh boy I was so wrong. It was more than just that.

I had business contracts to sign, close deals, reply to emails and I even had my major stakeholders with me in that seminar and we had met prestigious people from big companies who were giving them great offers and that wasn't even the least of my problems.

Now a major crisis came up when I met Natalie Portman. Natalie isn't just an ordinary girl to anyone. She's a rascal, a mean wretch... A scamp even.

I met this girl years back when I was at a bad place. Everything was a muddle. That was after my parents died, a year later I had gone to Italy and I met her. We had sex more than once and to me honestly it was just sex but I didn't know she had ulterior motives. She wanted me to marry her, for Christ's sake I was around 22, I had a company to run, I didn't even have a clue on how to take care of a teenager sister, let alone a company, how could I marry?

So I had bluntly turned her down and I thought it was the brightest decision I made but not until she presented me a sex tape, I mean our sex tape. I died a thousand deaths that moment I bet. I was so young, I didn't know how to handle such, I was afraid of tanning our name and so when she bargained and asked me to confess my love for her, then propose, without an actual marriage, I did it. It gives me cringes when I think about it up to date. She even made a video!

What I didn't know was that she was one of the kids from these prestigious companies in Italy. I had given her money to shut her up but she had declined it bitchily and let me just say that I never heard from her again. I think everything has been okay in the past six years, and I took it so lightly until now. She was in the seminar, I met her the third day and let me tell you that I regretted going to Naples that night or I going to Naples was for the best .

I almost didn't remember her but her standing out red hair and evil smile could always give her away.

"Look who we have here." Her high pitched voice could deafen you for a moment there. "If not the great Caesar babey.''

That babey name she had given me, saying that Banley doesn't sit well with her. And now I regret even having a nightstand with her which she dragged to be many nightstands. Okay not many really, we had sex around seven times and I don't know how it happened but I think it's because I was still naive and sex was a new activity I was getting accustomed to.

"Remind me your name again." I swallowed bitterly remembering that fate day where I was forced to confess a love that wasn't there to begin with, going down on a knee to propose to a stranger I just met.

"Touché" She faked a hurt, placing her two hands on her chest. "Anyways." She rolled her eyes and then leaned into my ears and whispered, "Nat Nat." Her voice was sickening, it almost made me puke.

It was around 10 p.m and we were done with the seminar, I was supposed to go see my Marvelous Chloe and Cherry after abandoning them since we got here. I had seen them have fun on the pool beside the hotel the previous day and I bet they were enjoying their stay. That previous night I got to the hotel at around midnight and I didn't find Marvelous in our bed, I went to the next room and I found the two girls in a very deep slumber. Seems like the activities of the day had taken a toll on them. Since I didn't want to interrupt them, I just covered them and went back to our room, by six I was up and ready. I had passed by Cherry's room and kissed the girls' foreheads before leaving. They were still in a deep sleep.

I had just one day to go, and then I'll take them to Florida as I had planned before. So that night that Nat bitch didn't turn out bitchy except she said something that I think unravelled my whole world.

"Your babygirl is almost six years now, she has almost all of your looks you know." She smiled, still sickeningly to me.

And I blinked, once, twice, thrice...

"Who're you talking to?" The words came out so fast as I looked around for any sign of a person. We were outside my hotel and I wouldn't have been surprised if she was staying in the same hotel.

"And I named her Anley even when I couldn't stand your Banley name. I just removed the B." She sighed looking so faraway. What is she talking about? "I could have looked for you, you know? I knew you. But my father was so strict after my mother died. When he learnt about my pregnancy, he never even once let me out of our compound. He put surveillance cameras everywhere. Guards were always everywhere too. That was my life ever since my mother left me when I was in grade four."

I was starstruck. I couldn't make fathomable words. My tongue felt heavy...

"Anyways." She waved a hand in the air as if brushing off whatever she was saying. "That night we met was my first night out after my father brought me along with him to that seminar. He wanted me to learn how to run a company. And that week was my week of escape, I found you, I made you propose to me and everything you did, was for my sake. I wanted to show my dad that I met someone who loved me. And I wanted him to see me as a big girl and let me free. I didn't know I was caging myself. To cut everything short, he doubled everything, I was prisoned even more, the security got tighter. " She chuckled almost shamefully and then added. "Now I have my freedom, he died from heart attack two years ago and everything that was his is mine now."

Still in shock.

"Hey, heeeyyyyy!" She waved her hands across my face. "Why are you in shock? I mean I didn't come after you? I decided not to even when I got my freedom, all I can say to you is Thank you!" She then moved closer and wrapped her hands around me.

"Wait, wait!" I pushed her off me gently. "Who's the father? Me?" I asked still digesting what she said earlier.

"Don't be stupid of course yes! Anley has asked me so many times about her father. But I had to make it seem like he doesn't exist." She said as if it was no big deal.

I blinked again. I have a daughter? If she's right? Do I want to be a dad? Is she even mine? And what if she is? Do I want to meet her? Of course! But am I ready to introduce myself? Wait do I have a daughter really?

"Anley is a brunette by the way, the only thing that she took from me was my buttoned nose, my amber eyes and my height I think." She chuckled, this time I didn't find her chuckle sickening, it was that of a loving mother to her children if she even was a mother.

And then it hit me. The first time we had sex we never used protection. We were both intoxicated that night and the following morning when we woke up, we were surprised to find ourselves naked in the same bed, we had laughed and went at it again still with no protection.

"Are you sure she's mine?" I asked in a small voice.

She only unlocked her phone and flashed it on my face.

On the screen, was a small girl with a wide grin that can brighten up the whole world, and my heart skipped a beat there. She had soft amber eyes, they almost resembled my Marvelous Chloe's eyes. I think I saw somewhat my reflection. I felt like tears sprung into my eyes and it was the most bizarre feeling I've ever had.

"Caesar you can meet your daughter anytime you're ready." She said this time in a calm voice and moved forward and hugged me again. She then whispered in my ears, "She'll be so happy to meet her father. You'll love her." She then pecked my cheek and moved back a step. "See you and goodnight babey."

"Goodnight Natalie." I let out, taking a sharp inhale before I turned around and...

Oh my God!

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