Chapter 1

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Cedric Lancaster was ticking by every passing second; his jaw was locked tight to restrain himself from tapping his foot on the ground, which would've been an easy give away to the fact that he was anxious— only if you knew him well beyond his composed façade.

And that currently was why Cedric was ticking by every passing second— that Damien Frost did not only break his calm façade like a hammer breaking a veil-like glass but also knew him well beyond it.

All the clattering of steel and plastic and the chatters spiking the people's reactions in the cafeteria didn't help his ticking settle down; it made it a lot worse and difficult for the dark blond-haired boy to guess the direction from which he could be attacked, which could be any moment from now.

Damien was nowhere to be seen, and everyone in the cafeteria was wondering where he could've been, and Cedric had thought about every place Damien could be and what damage he could cause.

'He might be in the parking lot. Cedric might want to buy a new car after this.'
Said a brunette sitting across Cedric. Like hell I would, Cedric thought. But there was a small voice in the back of his head that told him that that was the same reason why Cedric didn't bother to drive to school in his car today.

But no, that wasn't the reason why his car was safe in the garage at his home, no. It was because,  if Damien left a small scratch, even as wide as the width of a hair on his car to get back at Cedric as revenge, Cedric will be left with no choice but to skin Damien alive. And Cedric had no plans of visiting a prison in the near future, or ever. Yes, that's the reason, he answered to that sneaky voice in his head.
Not scared of Damien. No.

Cedric was in the school grounds even before the school gates were open, so he could empty his locker and hide its contents somewhere safe along with his tennis equipment. So aiming for the lockers would mean a lost shot for Damien.

And if he and his friends try to gang up against him in the school, practice or on his way to home, he could always press the SOS button on his new iPhone. New.

That word bought up all the pent up frustration, worry, furry and vengeance he had gone and still going through. All of it seemed to be enough reasoning to do what he did. They could now balance both of their wrongdoings against each other and close the account here. But no, Cedric knows that wouldn't happen. Because Damien would never understand the saying tit for tat and would never be able to take a tit for a tat, instead he'd go all tat, tat, tat. Meaning, he'll come to get his revenge for the revenge you had taken on him. This never-ending cycle started on the first day of their freshman year, the year Cedric moved to a new town and attended a new high school leaving all his middle school friends behind.

"Seems like snapping his guitar strings finally put him in place." sitting beside by him, Alfred, the blond haired boy voiced something Cedric knew wasn't true, but he chose not to say that because his thought could be proved right before the lunch break ends because Damien liked a spectacle.

Like most of the times, Cedric expected Damien to start his drama right here at the cafeteria, and almost every time Damien met Cedric's expectations. Cedric had his guard up right since he stepped out of his house, and considering the way Damien walked past him even after his dark eyes met Cedric's blue-green ones near their lockers, and how Damien chose to ignore his presence and chose not to bother him in two of the classes they shared this morning was a clear indication that Damien planned to use his dramatics in front of an audience, that is in the cafeteria.

"Did you know they had a gig last night? I heard it from Sam that they were supposed to perform at Molly's Bar. And they sure didn't show up. I don't think he's gonna stay calm after this. It's a surprise he didn't come straight for Ced's neck." Raelynn said, her voice blended with worry while munching on her fries.

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